Chapter 33-Home Is Where The Heart Is

Start from the beginning

A smile spread on my lips, "Really?"

She nodded—not daring to make eye-contact with me. Isabella probably couldn't afford the same university Pierce and I attended. It was private—expensive. Half the kids I know at the school come from wealthy families. Or they're just really smart and were able to receive scholarships. "Yeah," Victoria said quietly so her mother wouldn't hear. "There's a bridge program at Miami Dade."

Miami Dade is the community college in Miami. Victoria was in her second year there—honestly, working her butt off to get good grades. She had never talked to me about the bridge program, I never knew there was one. But then she started explaining.

"It's my second year at Miami Dade," Victoria said. "After two years, you can bridge over to the University if your grades, credits, and curriculum are all good enough. Then I'll graduate with the same degree as you. One of my professors recommended I bridge."

"That's awesome Victoria," I said enthusiastically. "Are you going to do it?"

She sighed, "I don't think I have the money."

"Oye," One of the ladies screeched through the salon. "Tráeme el secador de pelo!"

Victoria veered away from me to go get the blow dryer. I was slightly proud that my Spanish had advanced significantly from my first week in Miami. Pierce had been helping me vigorously. Having a job where I'm surrounded by Latina's meant I was basically forced to learn the language. I didn't mind, I liked being able to refresh and expand my vocabular past high school.

A few minutes later, Victoria joined me at the front desk where I was helping a client schedule an appointment. When I was done I turned to face my friend, "Have you told Isabella?"

Victoria shook her head—clearly nervous. She fiddled with a few bobby pins. "I don't know how to tell her," She said honestly. "My mom has worked her whole life to pay for my education. I don't know if I have the heart to ask for more."

"Well..." I said softly. "You'll never know what she's going to say if you don't try."

Victoria glanced at me from the corner of her eyes. Slowly, a small smile spread onto her lips. "Could you imagine?" She said thoughtfully, "Me walking on your campus with you guys and taking some of the same classes?"

I smiled back, "Yes I can. You need to ask Isabella if she can manage it. You'll be fully integrated into our group."

Everyone in my group acknowledged that Victoria was the one person who wasn't fully mixed into our group. Although she and Kellie get along great now, they wouldn't be considered best friends. Pierce and Jackson love her but they're usually busy between all their classes and activities. Victoria doesn't come to a lot of the campus activities we have because she's not part of our school. She really only gets to hang out with us when we all decide to leave campus and go somewhere in the city. Having her on campus with all of us would honestly be fulfilling.

When I first transferred I thought I wasn't going to be able to make friends. Transfer students typically have a difficult time fusing themselves into a new school. But Victoria already has friends that she can be with. I'm sure if she ended up bridging she would be perfectly fine.

"I'll ask her tonight then."


"Cuando terminen de hablar, ¿Could you start trabajando?" Isabella said from the back of the salon. Victoria and I both laughed softly, quickly going to work after seeing Isabella's angry face. "I'm not paying las dos to do nothing."

"Si jefe!" Victoria and I shouted at the same time. We saluted Isabella causing the rest of the ladies to laugh. I spun around in my chair staring at the phone—waiting for it to ring—as Victoria headed to the back to start restocking.

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