Tony pulled it off the wall, looking at it quizzically. "It doesn't look like it's damaged at all. It's like it just broke." Confusion was laced in his tone. 

"I don't get it," Aspen mumbled, her fingers messing with her bracelet. "When I came into this area with my watch, it shut down. Then the ear piece malfunctioned, and now this. It's like something is interfering with the signal." 

A sudden static sound started in her left ear, and it took Aspen a minuet to register what was going on. 

"Take out your ear piece!" She screamed, pulling her's out and  clenching it tightly.

"What? Why?" 

"Just do it!" She commanded, and Tony took his helmet off, followed by the device in his ear. 

The second he did, a faint high-pitched sound emitted from both of their headsets. What had happened registered in Tony's mind, and he met eyes with Aspen, giving her a nod in thanks. 

"So something about this area is interfering with all of our technology," Tony started, "what if-"

His words were cut off by electricity jolting through his body. His face contorted into one of pain and he commanded Friday to open his suit. The man stumbled out of it and Aspen lurched forward to catch him before he fell to the floor. 

After he was stable, they both turned and looked as sparks flew out of the Iron Man suit before all of its power went out. 

"Yeah, somethings definitely messing with our technology." Aspen breathed out while nodding her head.

Aspen's attentions turned to the hallway when she heard footsteps coming towards them. She turned and got into a defensive stance, ready to fight whatever threat was coming their way.

She dropped her guard and let out a shaky breath when she saw a red and blue blur coming towards them.

"Aspen!" Peter's voice was calling out and she rolled her eyes. 

His eyes landed on Tony and the young Blue, and he let out a breath of relief, putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath. 

"I thought something bad happened, why were you two not answering me?" He asked quickly, looking up at them.

"Because they broke. It's just like when I was in here yesterday, all of the technology is failing." Aspen explained to the confused boy.

Peter's eyes moved to the empty Iron Man suit and widened a bit. It was strange to see it without anyone in it, and to think that it was somehow disable shocked the boy.

"What do you think-" Peter started to ask only to be cut off.

A high pitched sound blasted through the air and they all covered their ears in pain. It didn't take long for the frequency to effect them, and the trio fell to the ground completely unconscious. 

Aspen Blue's head was pounding as she tried to peel her eyes open. She attempted to bring her hands to her face and wipe at her eyes, but they were held back by restraints.

Her eyes shot open at the feeling, and she looked down in panic to see herself secured to a pole by restraints.

Her ears were ringing and all she could hear was her own heart beat as it pounded in her skull. Her eyes moved heavily around the room, and her breathing was thick and slow. The dim lighting made it hard for her to see in the dark room, but she was eventually able to make out shaped and objects the more she concentrated. 

Aspen's eyes widened and her breathing began to pick up when she recognized the room. 

It wasn't possible. There was no way she could be in the exact Hydra base that she was in a few years ago, that wouldn't make any sense. She was at a base in New York, not Tennessee, but this looked and felt exactly the same. 

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