Just before the class left, Ms Bustier announced something. "Class, don't forget, we have new singing auditions in the gym at lunchtime. Its everyday."

The class nodded and hummed as they all started to leave the classroom. Just before Marinette, me, Nino and Adrien were about to set one foot out of the door, the teacher stopped us. "Ah, Marinette and Adrien. I suggest you sign yourselves up for the auditions. With voices like yours, you're sure to come far." And with that, she walked out of the room, with a huge, cheesy grin on her face.

I looked at Marinette and she looked at me. We both had huge, cheesy grins on our faces.

"Well, dude. Looks like you're gonna become a singer." Nino laughed as he patted his blonde friend on the back.

"Hehe, yeah." Adrien laughed back, nervously scratching the back of his neck. He looked over at Marinette before taking Nino's arm and walking out of the room.

"Why is he avoiding me?" Marinette whined, as she was about to weakly fall onto the floor.

"Ah, that reminds me.... Come with me, missy." I said, dragging her out of the door too.


(Marinette's POV)

As Alya dragged me out of the classroom suddenly, we realized that Adrien and Nino still hadn't technically left yet. They were just standing outside of the room, talking. About what, i have no idea.

Alya didn't seem to care, as she dragged me passed them and round a corner. She looked around, making sure the coast was clear, before she turned back to me and started to whisper.

"Marinette." She said in a serious tone. "If you don't want Adrien to avoid you..." She looked around once more. She walked round the corner, gesturing for me to stay.

She looked over at Adrien and Nino, then came back to where i was. "Come with me again..."

We both walked over to a part of the school i had never been before, let alone know existed. We both walked through a door with a picture of musical more on it. This must be a music room. I thought.

Alya slammed the door shut behind us. She looked at me with serious expressioned. "You want Adrien to stop avoiding you, don't you?"

I nodded in reply. "Yes..."

"Well then...."

She walked over to a massive grand piano, sitting right behind us. She sat down on the seat and began to play a quick, tune. I was amazed.

"H-how did you learn to play the piano?" I asked, staring at her in awe.

She laughed. "That's not the point. The point is, i need you to sing... For Adrien."

I jumped in my spot. "What?"

She got up from her seat and walked over to me. She placed her hands on my shoulders and started to beg.

"Please Marinette. Its not only for my sake but yours and Adrien's too. I cant let my ship sink!"

"Ship?" I looked at her hands that were on my shoulders. She looked at me weirdly.

"Don't try to change the subject." She looked down at the floor. "I need you to sing to him. You've already sang with him so sing to him this time... Please!"

I looked around the room, rubbing the top of my arm sheepishly. She pressed her hands together to look like she was praying. She was actually silently begging. At first, i hesitated a few times to answer but in the end i did.

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