"Good morning, Lemonpaw," Snowdrop said.

            "Morning," Lemonpaw replied.

            "Can we get on with training instead of just saying 'good morning?'" Koipaw whined.

            "Yes, Koipaw. Thanks for bringing Lemonpaw, Firelight. I know training is important to you. I just thought the she-cats could find that practicing battle moves on each other would be useful. They're somewhat similar in size," Snowdrop explained.

            Both Koipaw and Lemonpaw exchanged confused glances, knowing Koipaw was taller and thinner than Lemonpaw.

            "Well, if they both pass their apprentice exam in a moon, they'll be warriors, so it's best we train them and test their abilities," Firelight said.

            Only a moon until she was a warrior? Where had the time gone?

            Lemonpaw had not expected it to fly so past. She supposed she had been too wrapped up in her own world to notice the trees were already beginning to turn yellow and red again as leaf-fall approached. Her siblings were not the youngest apprentices anymore, and she guessed she hadn't even noticed the tiny gray hairs beginning to become visible on Hailfrost's muzzle.

            "Thank goodness. The apprentice den is becoming crowded," Koipaw complained.

            "Let's get to work," Firelight said, ignoring Koipaw's stupid comments.

            "We're first going to test your reflexes when under attack. Koipaw, I want you to attack Lemonpaw," Snowdrop instructed.

            "Will do," Koipaw responded, inching towards Lemonpaw and grinning.

            "Keep your claws sheathed though," Snowdrop warned.

            Lemonpaw shrunk down as Koipaw began to circle around her, her heart pounding with every second Koipaw remained still. As quick as lightning, Koipaw attacked. Anticipating where she would hit, Lemonpaw twisted her body so Koipaw landed over her, and she pawed at Koipaw's legs, causing Koipaw to fall onto the dirt.

            "Ouch," Koipaw grumbled, standing up.

            "Very good, Lemonpaw," Firelight purred.

            Lemonpaw grinned, proud of her mentor's words. Unfortunately, looking at Firelight gave Koipaw the opportunity to strike again, this time causing Lemonpaw to fall onto the ground hard. Koipaw held her down, though Lemonpaw, being small, wriggled out from her and leapt over Koipaw, landing on the other side.

            "Amazing! You're great at jumping!" Snowdrop observed.

            Lemonpaw had never really noticed a spring in her step before, though she guessed it was mostly adrenaline.

            Firelight did not comment though but only continued watching, his eyes narrowed. When Koipaw struck again, Lemonpaw kicked her in the stomach "unintentionally," allowing her to get away without the tiniest scratch on her.

            "Let's take a break," Snowdrop suggested, seeing Koipaw sway from side to side.

            "How do you do it?" Koipaw asked, groaning.

            "Do what?" Lemonpaw asked.

            "Your reflexes are quite strong, Lemonpaw," Snowdrop explained. "One of the best I've seen. They're close to a warrior."

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