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"Hot dog?" Noah said.

"YEAH." I yelled while dancing to the music that has been playing for a few hours by now.
I took them out and waited to hear waited to hear what he wanted to say.

"Um." He said lowly.

"WAS THAT YOUR VOICE." I asked excitedly, still shaken by the extreme talent I just heard.

"Yeah that was me." He laughed.

His face became serious again quickly and he almost looked sad.


Why was he sad? Is everything ok? Everything does seem ok. I just danced around to his album and he made me clothes and he saved me. What can be wrong?

"Look. I don't want to say this but eventually, you will die."

I was shocked. All I did to escape death and now here I am. Back at what was originally supposed to happen.

"H-how." I stammered nervously.

"You're a hot dog. You're not human and eventually you'll go bad. You'll rot and germs would spread all over you if I leave you like this."

I'm so dumb. How did I not think of this. Of course I'll rot. I'm meat. I'm supposed to go bad and die no matter what. I looked up at him and saw the concern in his eyes.

"No ones treated me like this before. Thank you Noah." I said slowly and he nodded.

"I love you." I said quietly and almost inaudible.

He seemed surprised but then change his expression back too normal.

"I want you to eat me. I'd rather be eaten then slowly rot and die. Please."

And that's how I finally got eaten.

Noah x Hot dog (Bad omens)Where stories live. Discover now