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Will I ever find love? Or will I just stay here forever and wait to die?

I laid down in a cold icey box that humans call a freezer. I looked down to see my friends who were stuck in a plastic bag just like me.

I wish I could help them but even I wouldn't make it out of here alive.

The freezer was terrible. All my friends were almost frozen to death. I sighed and tried to warm myself by rubbing my hands.

A whole different world flashed in front of me as a huge hand opened the door as a huge human being looked inside. Their big hands picked up my friends and I and ripped opened the plastic that was keep us in. His hands reached for me and a few others and placed us on a cold metal table.

I slowly looked over, not making it obvious that I was alive and could speak.

There's been so many times where I just wanted to tell humans that hot dogs have feelings and can do every human thing possible. But it was forbidden to the fact that it would freak many of them out.

I felt myself slowly burning and getting cooked by the human who took me out of that freezing hell. I just wanted to scream and cry and hope that this won't kill me.

I waited and waited and waited but this wouldn't be over. I looked down to see parts of my body darker then others and my insides turned to mush.

I finally got out into some bread that felt colder than the grill I was on. I got topped with some extremely cold mustard and ketchup and was set to be eaten by another human.

"That will be three dollars and fifteen cents" The high pitched cashier spoke as she reached out for a five dollar bill and continued to find change from her money box thing.

"Enjoy!" She said as she handed me over to a tall guy with long hair.

He thanked her and nodded as I stared at him and was awed by his beauty. He was pale with many tattoos and a shirt that said "We will live forever."

I wish that was true.

Should I speak? Would I scare him? I don't want to die and he is really pretty.

Stop being dumb. He's a human and your a hot dog.

I saw him find a seat and sit down with the plate that I was in. His brown eyes looked down at me and held me up to go in his mouth.

He's going to eat me.

I felt his teeth bite my leg from that top and I hurriedly let out the loudest scream a hot dog can ever make.

The human immediately widened his eyes and threw me back on my plate.

It then started to look like he was questioning the fact that if it was actually real or all in his head.

"I'm not crazy." He whispered. "This is stupid."

He picked me up again but this time more gently and bit me at the same spot again.

"Help" I said lowly. I already freaked him out once and I started to question on whether to just die or ask for help.

He heard again. He lowered me down and looked at his surroundings.

"Um.. can you speak?" He whispered.

"Yeah. I'm a hot dog and we're alive." I spoke calmly and not knowing how to actually respond to the pretty human in front of me.

"Wait...WHAT?" He said loudly but shut up when he attracted the attention of others who probably thought he was crazy.

"I'm alive and my names hot dog so."

Noah x Hot dog (Bad omens)Where stories live. Discover now