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I would've never thought that I'd probably last longer than my friends and that I would talk to a human.

A human.

Instead of doing what I was supposed to do, which was getting eaten, I am now in the car of a human who knows I'm alive.

"I'm Noah by the way." He spoke.

Noah. That's a better name than mine.

"Where are we going." I spoke. Still being afraid that I'll eventually be eaten.

"My house and relax I won't eat you." He smiled warmly which reassured my fear.

I adjusted my position on the front seat next to him and relaxed. Maybe humans aren't bad after all.

He pulled up in front of a house that was probably his and picked me up by the plate again.

"What do hot dogs need? It's not like I can just google this."

"Clothes? I'm kinda naked right now." I responded.

"Ok." He chuckled and took out the keys to his house.

I felt the smell of warmth and comfort as I got in. He set me down on his table and got out some cloth to make tiny clothes.

For hours and hours we talked about things. About how he was in a band and has seen many places. I wish I was him. And I talked
about the basics of being a hot dog. You live, get grilled and die. Simple.

"Here I'm finally done." He put a green jacket thing on me and another one on top that was shaped like a hot dog bun.

"I love this." I cried. This is the nicest anyone has ever been with me.

"OH I also have this for some reason." He quickly got up excitedly and ran out the room.

I waited and admired the new clothes I had just gotten and the softness of the fabric that was placed on my skin.

Noah came back happily and placed tiny round things on my ears.

"What's this?"

"Headphones. I'll just connect this too my phone and you can listen to music."

Music? Never heard of that.

I saw the wire that was connected to the thing on my head, go inside a phone. I felt a sensation, a beat that I never felt or knew even existed.

There were different sounds playing through and a guys voice singing. It was beautiful. Unknowingly I started dancing happily as Noah watched and smiled.

Everything was perfect.

Noah x Hot dog (Bad omens)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu