Eavesdropped Conversations and A What?!

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Contrary to popular belief, Lee Soo-Man was a considerate man. Social media sites perceive him as a slave-driver, ruthless and unforgiving when it comes to his talents, and that he forced the poor trainees to practice past midnight and push past the point of exhaustion until he was satisfied with their performance.

That was true but not the whole truth.

Most entertainment companies require perfection or near to it from their trainees and for a big company such as SM, one misstep was a big no-no. The idol industry was such a complex business endeavor that crosses boundaries that most people wouldn't dare cross. Privacy was nonexistent, looks and talent were the currency, and the perception of being pristine and likable was the key to a booming career.

There's no space for controversies and failure.

That would make Lee Soo-Man lose millions of dollars.

And for someone with a business mindset, it's unacceptable.

He'd rather keep his slave-driver façade than be called a pushover.

But even he cannot stop them from getting caught up in controversies and rumors—they're not idols all the time; and in the early stages of adulthood too. Sometimes, they just want to go to the normal world and be seen as normal—just like everyone else. They want to do things that others do like out to see movies, walk in the park, drink alcohol with their friends, and date the person they like without getting distracted by their aesthetics, talent, wealth, friends, and fame.

But they're not as free as they think they would be. True, they earn more than most people but what's earning when you're caged like an animal in a circus?

As soon as they debuted on the stage, there's no turning back. For the rest of their life, they would be associated with the group they debuted with and the projects they did under the agency. Unfortunately, the controversies would be part of them too.

He went through the same experience. What he regretted the most was missing out on his younger years.

He doesn't like doing damage control, but he'd do it for his talents. A slave-driver he may be, but he taught and guided those kids first. Dispatch is such a fickle thing anyway and the public is easy to manipulate.

This collaboration would either make or break their company.

But it's a risk I'm willing to take, the CEO took a deep breath.

Lee Soo-Man sighed, adjusting in his seat, as YG waited for his answer.

"Yes, I'm absolutely sure."

"This is not like you. I thought you were into exclusivity?"

"It's something new and out of the norm for SM and YG Entertainment and I think a collaboration with my talents would shoot both our companies' reputation to unprecedented heights."


Then a gruff voice answered, "I'll be there in 3 hours."

The call ended.

The CEO of SM Entertainment smiled in triumph as he called his assistant.

"Jae-eun-yah, you know who to call."

"Say what again?"

"There's been a change in schedule. We'll be having a comeback in January instead."

"But that's nine months from now! We've been rehearsing every day and they're delaying us now?"

"Shh! Lower your voice down, Tao, or the others will hear!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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