9- Malls & Skype

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I woke up the next day and walk downstairs to see Louis sprawled out on the couch, asleep. He looks so adorable, wait what. I see Louis start to wake up and decide to be right in his face to scare him. He opens his eyes and scream and I fall onto the floor laughing.

"jeez you scared me" he tells me

"well you scared me with those horror films" I stifle a laugh.

"had a nice sleep" he asks

"yeah it was good I guess" I walk into the kitchen to make some breakfast. "I'm making bacon, eggs, waffles and pancakes,call the boys to tell them to come over" I yell at Louis. I hear him talking after a few seconds,atleast he listened to me for once.

"sooo" Louis walks in.

I turn around to face him "yes Louis"

"that song from the first day we met, was it about the stuff you were telling us"

"um well, yeah kinda"

"well it's an amazing song. Did you ever think about a job as a singer. You would do great, I feel like you could connect to a lot of people out there with your story"

"um no i havnt given that much thought before. I typically don't like performing in front of people"

"you should definitely consider it. So with that interview is it true that you don't like us how I like you"

"yep it's true. I havnt known you guys personally long enough. Sure I knew what you guys were like but not personally"

"oh" a look of sadness spread across his face

"did you forget that I also said it could happen one day" I smile at him, that lifts his mood.

"so need any help" Louis asks as he drapes his arms around my shoulders.

"could you... Actually no i dont need help right now. I'll let you know if I do"

"remeber to consider that singing career. You could be our opening act one day" Louis walks out of the kitchen. I know he would love to see me onstage but I just can't. I hear a bunch of noise from the living room, I'm guessing the boys arrived.

"hays" a someone shouts . I scream, slip and fall onto the floor. "hayley are you okay" I look up to see Niall.

"yeah I'm fine, just got scared, not sure why though" I look directly at him.

"I've got no clue either" I could see the guilt in his eyes. Good he feels guilty.

"now if you'll excuse me I've got to continue cooking. Also it would help if you don't scare me again ot I'll hit you with the spatula" I smile sweetly and advert my attention back to the food. "BREAKFAST IS READY" I tell. I hear a bunch of footsteps running towards the kitchen. I grab my food before they take it all.

"so how's the food" I look at all of them



"best breakfast ever"



"thank you everyone"

"so have you given what I said any thought yet" Louis asks.

"well I wouldve but I almost suffered a heart attack" I turn and glare at Niall

"sorry" he mumbles. "what are you up to today"

"I was going to go shopping for a while. I have to start looking for a Halloween costume" I tell him

Blogging One DirectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora