2. Rebound Sex or not, it's still good sex.

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I took a long hot shower after I made sure every door was locked. I pulled on my favorite nightshirt and climbed into bed, texting Olivia that I was home safe and sound before I cocooned myself in my bed. I woke sometime in the early afternoon and started packing. I threw every memory of the asshole into the trash and honestly considered throwing out everything. Then, I sat down on the couch and cried. What the hell was happening to me? I searched through the house and realized that logically, I couldn't afford to throw it all away. I wanted to, but I wouldn't. I would take this crap with me to Chicago and when I had the money I would replace it. Maybe I would just get a bunch of furniture covers, give everything a new look. That I probably could afford.

Livvy came over and brought me dinner. She was so good to me; I was going to miss her so much! She would help me work through my shit. We talked for hours about work, and Jason. She thought I should call him and just be honest that it was only for a short while. I couldn't though, he didn't seem like he wanted a short term relationship. Jesus, why did I have to find the one guy who didn't want a simple hook-up? Plus he was easily the hottest guy I had ever met. Damn it.

Work saved me from calling him that night. Olivia and I worked until late and then Liv promised to call me if she needed me and let me go back to bed.

Why did it feel so lonely in bed alone? I didn't miss Carlos; I missed having a warm body beside me. I missed the comfort of another human being. I could have called Jason, he would have gladly warmed my bed but I didn't want to lead him on. It didn't help that every time I thought of him a thrill went through me. I was still sore from him too, making me remember him every time I moved.



Olivia looked different. Oh my God, she was glowing...

Even after her skirmish with the jerk cardiac surgeon with roaming hands, she still seemed happy. Then she told me about her possible date with Aidan, the hunk from the other night, and how he saved her at breakfast. I needed a project tonight so I promised to doll up my bff for her fabulous first date with Mr. Hunk. I wouldn't even hold it against him that he knew Jason if he was good for Olivia. He certainly made her smile, which neither of us had been doing for quite a while. Thanks to Carlos, the scum sucking ex-husband, now threatened to transfer her off of Ortho. God he was an ass.

At least if Liv was getting some action I could live vicariously through her. The next morning Olivia waddled in, with the biggest shit-eating grin I have ever seen.

"Oh my God! You had sex!!!"

"How do you know that?" she asked.

I nudged her shoulder, "You're relaxed, you're smiling, and you're glowing." I leaned in closer, "And you're walking like you're just a tad sore." God, I could relate to that. I clued her in to my favorite supplement for keeping her woman parts in harmony and then we dished on how great he was. She was excited that he was moving to the Bay Area. We started rounds and I suddenly worried that she was falling to fast for this guy. She was always so careful, and suddenly she's falling for this guy who was all over People Magazine last year. Hey, it's my guilty pleasure, don't judge.

"Be careful Livvy, He's just broken up with someone he lived with for two years." Crap, her face blanched and I realized she had no idea. I hugged her close, "Hell, I'm sorry honey, I thought you knew."

"It didn't come up. Hell, why didn't he tell me?"

"Did you talk about your ex-boyfriend? It's not exactly appropriate for first dates." I felt like crap, she looked totally shocked. I shouldn't have said anything. Later that evening I tried to calm her down. She was going home to him and she'd better get her head on straight.

"Sweetie, what's freaking you out the most? The fact that he was in a serious relationship, or is it that he didn't tell you?"

She wouldn't meet my eyes, "I don't know. I've fallen for this guy, really hard. But it's not like we had time to discuss the past. Last night was amazing and we talked about family and a dozen other things, but not past relationships. I feel like shit, but it's not because he didn't tell me." She blinked a couple of times, "What if I'm just a distraction? Rebound?"

I grunted, "No. No way. Dammit Livvy, you have the worst self-confidence of anyone I've ever met. He didn't track you down for rebound sex! He could have banged anyone after the concert. He likes you; a lot. He told you he's moving here, if you were rebound, he'd keep that a secret so he could bail."

My phone dinged and I used the lounge computer to pull up the x-rays we were waiting for. "I've got this. Go home."

"I can't." She whispered.

"Chicken-shit. Go home. I'll call you if I need you." I gave her a quick hug, turned her shoulders and pushed her toward the door. God, I hoped it worked out for her.

I went home later to my big, empty house and continued to go through everything, sorting and throwing it all out. Jesus, I was such an idiot to think I was ever in love, I mean what is love anyway? Just a chemical reaction in the brain. Endorphins releasing. It's all fake. I threw out my wedding album, my wedding dress, every home video and then started on my photos. It could have been anyone standing beside me for all those years and I probably would have felt the same if our biochemistry related to each other. Yet, Carlos and I had great biochemistry but not for long. If our chemistry was so great, why couldn't we make a baby?

A baby. What if I was pregnant right now? The thought made me smile; I would love to be pregnant. I could move to Chicago and Jason would never know. I fell asleep holding my belly and praying that there was a child growing in my womb. Jesus, I was delusional.

Thankfully Olivia looked great the next day. Things were definitely moving quickly for the two of them. The guy seemed to be putting it all out there for her, assuming he wasn't an egotistical asshole just using her for sex. I shook my head and listened to her go on and on about him. She was never this taken with a guy before.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" She asked me.

Should I answer her honestly or not? I debated the question for a moment before I found myself rolling my eyes. "No. I'm pretty sure I don't believe in love. Ever. Just a chemical reaction to pheromones."

"But, if my pheromones attract his pheromones, doesn't that mean we are a perfect match?" she asked. Ha, she sounded just like me last night.

"No. Pheromones make us attractive to each other, but trust me your pheromones make you attractive to any number of men, and vice versa."

"Jeez, your divorce has really made you cranky." She muttered and then laughed at me. That hurt.

"I'm happy for you, Livvy. I just don't believe in love anymore. It's a stupid chemical reaction and I think I'm better off just taking a pill so I can avoid it."

"Ouch," she whispered.

Dammit, I was just trying to protect her. I tried to suck it up, for Olivia's sake and be nice to the guy when he brought us lunch but then he had to bring up Jason, and I got a little catty. I'm not proud of myself, in fact I felt like crap the minute the words came out of my mouth. I tried to cover up by mentioning that I knew he was coming to Chicago and he was welcome to stay at the apartment. I probably shouldn't have added that I didn't want to hear them having sex. He didn't seem to mind it though. The way she lit up around him made me relax a little, maybe he was sincere.

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