"Evie!" I heard Thomas call my name upon all the shouting. I turned towards him, and he motioned me for him to come over to him. He had a reporter in front of him and a mic in his hand.

"Hi Tommy." I smiled at him as I came into frame. I looked at the reporter and sweetly smiled at her, her hair was overly bleached and had too much lipstick on.

"Hi Evelyn. Tom and I were just talking about you." She spoke.

Tom handed me the mic and watched me as I spoke.

"All good things I hope." I laughed, using my charm.

"Of course. So can you tell us how you and Tom met?"

I looked at Tom and he held a smile, and winked at me telling me as if to go on and tell the story. As if it were some fairy tale.

"So, I was five years old and he was six. And I went to dance class that my mother required me to go to the day after coming to London from France. So excuse me if you hear a little bit of a French accent in my voice." I laughed. The reporter smiled and nodded her head.

"As most of you know, Tom over here is a dancer. A great one I must say." I swallowed pointing to Tom as he slightly nodded his head.

"And I could barely speak English at the time, but Tom and I befriended each other during that dance class and our mothers happened to sit next to each other and they soon became friends. It also just so happened that I moved a couple houses down from him too so even though we didn't go to the same school we would always be together and the rest is history."

"That's such a sweet story." She gushed and me and Tom nodded our heads.

"Now we're gonna do some round fire questions for the two of you, and whoever is most likely to and if it's you say your name and if it's either of you say each other's name."

"Gotcha." I said into the mic as a man handed Tom another one.

"Okay here's an easy one, who is most likely to win in a play fight."

"Physical or verbal?" Tom asked.

"Because physical would be Tom. Have you seen those muscles?" I asked laughing as I looked at Tom.

"And every single verbal play fight we have she wins, I'm not too smooth with my words." Tom chuckled into the microphone.

"Who is most likely to call at three in the morning to hang out."

"Evelyn." Tom said as I pointed my index finger at me as I pursed my lips.

"Hmm sounds interesting." She slyly spoke.

"But it's fun, you know we go on adventures and stuff." Tom added smiling.

"And last one Tom, this ones for you. Your dog Tessa? Or best friend Evelyn Rose?"

"Ooohhh Tommy that's a tough one." I mumbled into the mic.

"Can I say both?"


"Good answer Thomas." I said but this time to Tom and not into the mic. Winking at him.

"Thank you so much." She thanked us.

"No thank you." Tom and I both said and the camera stopped rolling and we handed the mice back before joining the rest of the group back on the carpet.


Tom and I were sitting next to each other as we watched the movie, Harrison on his other side, and Paddy next to me. Before coming into the screening, Tom had introduced me to at least 60 more people, I was introduced to the whole MCU cast and I was over the moon. They were so nice to me and we all got along. I swapped numbers and social medias with mostly all of them and was told that we should all hang out sometime. It was like a dream come true.

My eyes were trained on the scene where Peter Parker comes after school to get dressed into Spider-Man's suit. I watched as Tom took his sweater and shirt off in the scene and people let out hoots and hollers. I would've too if he weren't my best friend.

"Jesus Tom." I teased as he rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Don't worry babe, there's more to come." He shot back in a flirtatious tone.

Could this night get any better?

Awaiting Adventures ( tom holland )Where stories live. Discover now