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You take my breath away
I pray and promise I'll never stay.

You shoved me away without hearing me out, nor paying attention to what I was saying. You left me alone with nothing but my tears, thoughts and daggers in my mind .

You never told me those three cliché words I longed for.  It starts with I and ends with you. Pretty lame right. With me hiding my cravings and need to the verb in between I and You. I always satisfied my tierd heart with us me and you.

You always had your eyes on someone else. That girl. Who had everything I didn't have. Large eyes with long eyelashes. Small nose and plump lips. Rosy cheeks and sharp jaw. On top of all her curvy body and small waist . Yeah an ideal girl, the girl you always described before we became more than friends. 

I told you about my problems, issues, and my self confidence dropping low together with my faith. My voice was hoarse and cracking because I was on the verge of crying. All you did was nod like it was some motherfucking plot. I bet you didnt even hear anything of what I told you because you were staring at her. Full of thoughts, your lips tilting upwards while your eyes were glittery in admiration. I caught your attention by snapping my fingers in front of your face and left. I waited for you outside Tyler's house for half an hour in the rain but you never came. Because it's always you, her and your crew.

I went home changed into shorts and your hoodie which always made me feel perfectly fine but not day..., it was oversized which made my unpretty fat body drown in it. And your scent which never went away regardless of all the times I washed it with care. Because I always remember the day you gave it to me. I felt special.  Which was a new feeling for me and my inexperienced heart whom never felt loved nor got any attention nor care. I was and still am a broken vase but today it's an antique one which seems to have a lot of value and everyone treasures after what I did.

I dragged my self from under my comfortable cover to my bedrooms door and locked it. Because I had enough, even the the sun dies at night so that it could let her lover, the moon shine with its beauty in the universe and make people stare at it in awe. I had to set you free so that you could continue your life with somebody as attractive and beautiful as you. Relive tge world and mankind by not making them  annoyed, irritated and troubled by my existence it self.

I could say fuck yall but I would rather say thank you because I'll finally be reunited with my one and only merciful and caring with love. My lord, my God and to whom my soul belongs. I'll be by his side retelling him about my trouble and worries by the time you are reading this.


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