03 - Seeing Memories That Never Happened

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"You had a sister?"
I questioned in shocked

"A twin sister. Actually... Her name was Costia.... I never met her because my mother left her to a blacksmith to have a chance at life. So she doesn't have to suffer from running and hidding because I'm nightblood and she wasnt...she lived in polis"
She began to tear.

"I'm so sorry. Coslia....i think I knew her. I loved her. She was killed because of me. Coslia....i apologize for it"
I grabbed her hands and looked in her  watery eyes.

"Its alright lex. I might not have known her but if you loved her.... She must have been good"
Coslia said.

Everyone in this camp doesn't at all remember anything other then living here. They think they lived here their whole life. After that dream I realize that everyone here is either nightblood. Or a child of a nightblood....

I realize Luna isn't just my soldier.
She's my sister.
And Anya....isnt just my soldier.
I was her 2nd.
And Coslia is the hidden twin sister of my first love.
And this camp is not just camp.
It's a place far away from home.
It's hidden from the world.
It can't be found because we have been trained to kill everyone who pass the boraderline. This life ive been living for years. It's all a lie.

"Lexa. Your horse and supplies are ready"
Said luna.
Snapping me out of my deep thinking.

"Thank you. My mission is far.
You don't have to worry if I don't return for a while"
I said hopping on 2 feet.

"Apologies. Lexa. But we cannot allow you to travel alone. Not only this camp value you but Luna and I simple can't do anything while your away. Therefore we must come"
Anya suggested

"You don't have to. I can protect myself"
I defended

"Lex. We're coming. All 3 of us are coming with you. Your not fully healed to go out alone and besides you need your tracker. Water speaker. And medic"
Coslia said from behind.

"Oh alright then.  Be ready-"
I was saying before Luna interrupted
"Oh. We're always prepared. Let's leave now"

"Alright. Let's have an adventure. Shell we" Luna joked.

"We've been traveling for 4 months now lexa" complained anya

"It was you who damaned to come. And I warned you it was a long trip"
I said turning back to see her.

"Are we even going the right way?....
Wait..... where are we headed?!"
Questioned Luna

"To find lexas dream"
Joked coslia.

"I still don't know how Luna and lexa could be sisters"
Said anya.

"I still can't believe lexa was your 2nd. And your under her orders right now"
Said luna.

These 2 always argue about the smallest and simplest things
I wouldn't even be surprised if the 2 fight about who getting the bigger meat on the plate.

"I member this forest."
I said looking around.
I got off my horse and walked to the nearest tree.

"What is it lex?"
Asked coslia

The tree had something written on it.
It is a bit faded and out grown due to years had passed.
It says
'C + L = CLexa'
underneath of it was 2 names
'Octavia & Raven was here'

They sound familiar.
But I'm not sure where.

"We're close."
I said

"What was that?"
Coslia asked again

"Something had been carved on the tree. It feels familiar. But I'm not so sure"

"I hear a river near by. We should stop and clean up"
Said luna.

Still to this day I don't know how she hears water when everyone cant.

"And get food.... we can't hunt alot of animals here. Their too big. Or too small. We need to stick with fruits for right now"
Added anya.


After we all cleaned up.
We began eating.
Should've seen this coming.

pain shooting through the spine and straight to the head. Felt paralyzed.

"Wake up.... heyyy!... wak-"

I lost my hearing.
They screamed but i heared nothing.

I began to see things that weren't there. I don't even know what's real and whatst not anymore. I see....

My dead sister.

My dead mentor.

My dead ex girlfriend.

My girlfriend....

And all of the sudden.


Surprise b*tchs!!!
Lexa is back!
And she brought Anya and Luna with her.

And what!!!?!!!!
Costia have a twin sister! Named Coslia!?!!!! She's a medic as a hidden camp only nightblood..... wondering how lexa. Luna and anya got there?! I am too. Lexa just got back and.....

I'm wondering how many times this girl is gonna cheat death.

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♡From The Ashes We Will Rise♡
♡Chapter 3♡
♡Seeing Memories That Never Happened♡
♡Lexas's POV♡
♡work count : 1415♡

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