The Idea

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It smelled... musty. It smelled old. Gross.

Keith tiredly opened his eyes to face the most 60s looking floral fabric he'd ever seen in his life.

It felt scratchy against his nose and chin, and that's when he realized that he was lying face down, sprawled out on a cushion or something. I don't remember falling asleep here, he thought, although hardly worried; being a college student, it wasn't the first time Keith had woken up in a place with no recollection of how he got there, and he was sure it wouldn't be the last.

He groaned, already feeling the stiffness of his muscles, but before he could make any move to sit up, he heard a familiar voice.

"Shh, guys! I think he's waking up."

"Oh shit... what are we gonna tell him?"

"The truth; that it was Lance's fault."

"Hey! Was not."

Keith groaned again, louder this time. "Where," he slowly began, face still against the cushion and his voice low and weak from sleep, "The hell am I?"

He slowly turned his face to the side, ignoring the tension in his neck, but was forced to shut his eyes again at the blinding daylight. It seemed that none of his friends seemed eager to respond.

"Welcome, Keith Kogane," an all-to-familiar voice began dramatically, "To your worst nightmare."

48 hours earlier

"Alright, guys, gather in!" Shiro called out.

It took only seconds for the team to gather in the center of the court, all of the boys eager to end practice. It was the last day before spring break, after all, and everyone knows that for college students, spring break is like three weeks of light in a lifetime of darkness.

"Good work today team," Shiro began, "Now I know you're all very eager to get out of here-" there were several verbal and non agreements from the circled boys, "so we'll need some volunteers to take down the nets-"

"Aye aye, captain!" Lance stood up straight and made a mock salute to Shiro, while Hunk beside him raised his hand, as did Keith, who stood on the opposite side of the circle.

While Shiro continued on, Lance narrowed his eyes at Keith, who had already done the same. It was a silent challenge, almost ritualistic, as this happened every time that both boys were present for the end of practice.

With a last bit of well-wishing from Shiro and the other two team captains, the boys were off. Keith and Lance ran in opposite directions for the first nets they could reach while other boys walked off leisurely to help collect stray volleyballs.

They worked as fast as their fingers would carry them, untying ropes and gingerly setting down poles until a high pitched screech was released by the victor.

"I WIN!" Lance yelled out, stuffing the last of the thin net into a bag on the floor before punching the air several times in succession.

Keith scoffed, and continued to pack up the net he was working on while Lance and Hunk retreated down the locker rooms.

By the time Keith got there, Lance was already half dressed in his street clothes, hopping around the tile floor in his boxers, attempting to get his second leg in his pants. Hunk was watching, thoroughly entertained.

Keith tried to ignore him as best he could, but the fact that his locker room was in the same row as the two of them made that close to impossible.

"Keith! K- ah!" Lance tripped and his entire body slammed loudly into the lockers, and he fell back onto the bench, "Help me out here, buddy."

Keith scoffed, and focused on remembering the code as he turned the dial on his lock. "Put your own damn pants on," he muttered, pulling the metal door open and examining the contents, "It's not my fault you're rushing."

Spring Break Plans and Camper VansWhere stories live. Discover now