She felt invasive. Absolutely, positively invasive. She laid there, eyes studying the ceiling as the Doctor blankly watched off into space.

        Valarie wanted answers however, she craved them. She wanted to know what was going on, what exactly is the sinister thing drowning people on land. Why has she never read Loves Labour's Won. But another question stirred, a more deep question.

      Who is Rose?

    The Doctor mentioned her once before. He said she was happy, safe, with her family. But why did he seem so melancholy and empty whenever her name passed his lips? Why was he always forced into a trance as if he was seeing something traumatizing. Valarie began to wonder if Rose really was happy and safe. A more person question drawled under that, something Valarie didn't want to answer even though she was the only one who could.

     Why was what Shakespeare said right?

    About the way Valarie looks at the Doctor. "You look at him like your surprised he exists. He's as much of a puzzle to you as he is to me."

   To anyone, the Doctor seems like a bizarre man at first. But just these few days, Valarie already craves more to know about him. Where he's from. What all he's seen. Sometimes, Valarie knows he must've seen horrible things. Things of nightmares.

      He's seen planets crumble, no doubt. But why is he alone? Valarie asked this a lot. He seems to kind and bright to be alone. He said he preferred loneliness to Martha. He was alone when she meet him, but for how long he had remained that way she couldn't tell. So why did he come back for her? Why the Doctor go out of his way to come to her home, and whisk her off to the stars?

         She knew the answer bubbled somewhere in her, but she couldn't find it. But rather, the heat radiating off of the bodies (the Doctor was generally warm, but anyone with a double circulatory system would be!) she was pressed against soon began to take their toles. Soon, sleep began calling her name.

        Valarie closed her eyes, fully aware the Doctor still laid conscious and awake next to her. That the two laid so close he could feel her every breath. She let sleep hit her in small waves, before the tidal wave consumed her and she fell asleep.

The Doctor laid awake, head turning to watch the two. Martha laid facing away, body twitching occasionally and breathing peaceful.

Valarie had only recently gotten to sleep. He knew it the moment her body quite being rigidly stiff, and more relaxed and limp.

He knew it when he quit feeling her heart. As she had been pushed up against him so, and her heart had suddenly began to beat so fast and hard suddenly. Then, slowly it slowed down as she gave way to sleep. He would've checked to make sure she wasn't fine, hadn't had a heart attack, but occasionally her hand would twitch against him and he knew she was alright.

But he did question why her heart began to practically pound out of her chest.


The scream was blood curling and horrible, and rattled the two sleeping girls from their sleep quickly. The Doctor bound from the bed, as if expecting it, and began to dart. Martha and Valarie took a moment to gather themselves, before running down the halls side by side.

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