Chapter 39: A Glimpse Of The Future

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Weeks came and gone and before long it was time to head out to Canada for Sid's day with the cup. Pittsburgh wasn't done celebrating the win, every time the guys were in public there was endless congratulations. Clarissa settled in nicely and her job was going well along with her relationship with James, it was official they're a couple now. It wouldn't be long before it was Sid's birthday so I had already started planning his surprise birthday party. We've also been coming along with the wedding, the date was set for September 20th, a Saturday, of next year, here in Pittsburgh. We chose to go with beautiful shades of dark purple and royal blues. We did get the church and venue booked and I also asked each girl to be my bridesmaid. Clarissa hasn't shut up about it at all since I told her she would be my Matrin of honor.

I was excited for this new beginning with Sid even if it did mean all this insane planning.
"Are we all done packing" I asked moving the suit cases towards the stairs
"We are" he said zipping his suit case.
"Is James on his way?"
"He should be" he sighed
"Why the sigh?"
"I miss the guys" I came next to him and rubbed his shoulder
"Your gonna see them when we come back from Canada, before you know it, it's going to be October"
Just than we both heard the car horn honk and I ran down stairs to open the door.
"Hey James" I said hugging him
"You guys ready to go?"
"Um yea, Sid should be bringing down the luggage"
Just than Sid came down with the two luggages in my hand, walked past me and James and out to the car.
"Where is the dog?"
"Star come!" I called and he came. He ran in from the kitchen and took a seat next to my leg.
"Get your collar" I stated, he than walked over to the bin next to the door and pulled out his collar and leash than walked over and dropped it at my foot.
"Good boy! Your gonna be going with James for a little bit" I said while slipping the collar over his head and attaching the leash. I handed the leash over to James and he brought him inside his car. I locked up the rest of house than headed out to the car where Sid finished packing up the car.


"Come on Clair get up" Sid said brushing the hair from my face
"Where here already? I said stretching
"Yea we just landed"
We got off the plane and headed straight to baggage claim, we quickly found our stuff and met his parent outside.
"Hey Trina and Troy" I said pulling them in for a hug
"Big day tomorrow" laughed Troy
"I know, I'm very excited"
"What do we have planned?" Questioned Trina
"I don't know, Sid planned the whole thing himself"
"I did and it's going to be great" he smirked while placing the luggage in the trunk.

Once we got back to the house the familiar surroundings greeted me. I ran my hand over the railing of the porch as we went in the house. It still had the same old smell and same old feel. I headed up to Taylor's room, I knocked and she yelled for me to come in.
"Hey babe" I said taking a seat on her bed
"Have you been to the basement?" She questioned
"No I wanted to come say hi"
"Oh well hi, I think Sid is waiting for you in the basement"
"Okay? I'll head down there now" I left the room closing her bedroom door all the way, placing my hand on the bannister I walked down the stairs into the living room.
"Have you seen Sid?" I asked
"Headed to the basement" Trina smiled
I turned and walked to the basement door, turned the handle I began descending the stairs.
"Sid?" I called out, I herd a snicker but when I reached the bottom of the stairs there was no one there.
"Sid min it even joking"
"But it's not Sid" a mans voice called out

I turned to my left and my eyes lied on the face of my brother Max, joy overcame me and the next thing I new my arms were around him.
"Holy shit I've missed you so much" I mumbled into his shirt
"I've missed you to" he said kissing my head "congrats on the engament"
"Speaking of weddings, where's Sid?"
"Right here" he said coming out of the bathroom door.
"How did Max get here?"
"I told him to come over, you haven't seen him in a while"
"Sid don't you have something to ask?"
"Well I'll ask formally later but I wanna know if you'll be in my groom party"
"Defiantly Sid, I'd be honored" Max than turned to me, "it's getting late and I have to head home"
"No you can't go already" I said hugging him tighter
"I know but I'll be back the day after tomorrow, I promise"
"Pinky promise"
"Pinky promise" he smiled interlocking our pinkies
I walked him upstairs where he said by to Sid's family, I watched him get in his car and disappear around the corner. I hated seeing my brother leave, it always killed me inside.

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