Chapter 30: Go hard or Go home

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The guys and I had just ended morning practice and were headed back to the locker room. We were playing the bruins later tonight and I was bummed because Clair wouldn't be here tonight. She caught a bad cold and I wanted her rested up for the other games. Everyday I've been thinking about how I wanna propose to her but I can't think of anything. I was thinking so hard about it the other day that I over taped my stick and would've kept going unless James said something to me.

James came and sat next to me and decided to be annoying as always

"Why the long face?"
"It's nothing okay?"
"Don't pull any of that crap on me eh, now what's wrong? You've been like this since we got back from Boston"
"I'm just bummed okay, Clair isn't coming to the game tonight and I'm going crazy thinking of a way to propose to her"
"If it makes you feel any better I over herd her saying how she would want her 'dream proposal'"
"Spill now"

"I don't know what's in it for me?"
"James you don't spill now, don't wonder why I accidentally high stick you right in face"
"Alright... She was talking to Clarissa about it, and I quote "it would be a dream come true, like a fairy tale" We win the cup and she comes into the ice to congratulate you and than you pop the question right there"
"That's fucking genius! We gotta win this, we hafta win this"
"I wanna win it as much as you okay"

I quickly took a shower and headed back home with the biggest smile on my face. We were gonna win the cup, and I would win one hell of a wife

Clair's POV --------

My head was pounding, I didn't even get out of bed for breakfast. Clarissa made me some soup but I had no appetite to eat. I was running a 101 fever and my stomach wasn't feeling to hot either. Around 4 I herd the garage open and I could tell Sid was home. Star always barks like crazy when he gets home. In minutes he was in the bedroom with some ice cream.
"Hey babe" he said while kissing my forehead
"I brought you cookie dough ice cream, your favorite"
"Thanks babe" I said forcing a smile
"I can't stay long but I wanted to make sure my baby is doing better"
"Sid I feel like crap"
"I know, I wanted you to be at the game tonight"
"I promise I'll watch it"
"It's okay, you just get as much sleep as possible"

He got up off the bed and walked to the bathroom and I could here water running. He came back and sat on the side of the bed.
"There's a nice hot bath waiting for you okay?" he leaned in for a kiss but I turned my head
"Sid you can't be getting sick and missing games
"Yea your right, we gotta gotta win the cup! Alright well rest up, ill me home later tonight"

He closed the door and I pried myself out of bed and over to the bathroom. A warm bubble bath was waiting for me. I slipped out of my clothes and into the bath. The bath made me feel so much better, by the time I was done it was game time. I threw on Sid's sweats and a tank than made my way to the movie room. I grabbed one of the penguin blankets we had and made myself comfortable on the comforter.

We were winning the game 2-0 at the start of 2nd period. Everything was going good until I saw Marchand line up his shot. I could see the puck go flying, in slow motion it came right at Sid's face. I let out a screech and jumped out of my seat. He was lying on the floor and one of the medical people came out. He had begin to get up and was bleeding from his cheekbone.

The game went on but Sid still wasn't out. I was freaking out, if I wasn't sick this would have been there to help him. Fuck this cold I mumbled to myself.
He missed 2 shifts but he finally came out with 7 stitches on his cheek. I'm just glad that he was okay. I could tell he was a little shaken up. Every time the camera panned to him he was lost looking into the crowd. He kept looking at the seats I normally sat in and it broke my heart.

The rest of the night his play was off but Sutter scored a 3rd goal late in the 3rd and penguins won 3-1. I was to tired to leave the movie room and fell asleep in their.

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