Aftermath (12)

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James POV

Loud ringing blasted through the halls.

Damn that bell! Why does it have to be so loud.

My ears were still ringing from the fight last night. But one good thing came from it, MJ finally acknowledged me, physically. Not the way I was thinking before the fight, but you know what I mean. I feel bad for pressuring her into doing it though, but I really like her, like a lot! What else can a guy do! I already got beaten by her, twice. It's fine. I'll just go at her from a different angle. I'll apologize to her and leave her be for a while. She will come for me sooner rather than later. find her will be a challenge but I always loved a good challenge. I took MJ up, I deserve a medal.

+++Skip to lunch time+++

As I got to the front of the lunch line, I took a glance over my shoulder to see if my little red riding hood was here yet. But I only caught sight of a very worried and tearful Alice, leaving the cafeteria in a hurry. When I got my change and food I quickly made a B-line after Alice. But as soon as I turned the corner, she was gone.

I went to look for her at the first place I encountered her and MJ. When I touched the handle I heard soft sobbing coming from the green house. Normally when I heard a female crying I would have run the other way, but, if MJ is in there it is defiantly worth it. Even though I am as useless as a sack of potatoes when it comes to feelings. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I couldn't see anyone at first, but when I looked closely towards the apple and orange trees, I noticed a ruffle of brown-caramel hair but no fiery-red. I made my way over to Alice's side and sat down.

She didn't notice anyone coming it, probably because she was crying so hard. But when I touched her shoulder, she jumped away from me, wildly slapping at my chest.

"Alice! Alice! It's me, James!" I quickly said.

She stopped and realized it was me, but she had a funny look ob her face when her eyes came in contact with mine.

"What's wrong with your face?" she asked me.

I had two black eyes, a busted lip, my left jaw is bruised, and there was a long gash that ran through my right eyebrow. Courtesy of MJ. But she still had to ask.

"Oh come on, you know what happened. You were there," I replied.

"Yeah, I know, but I want to hear you say it, because you deserved all of it."

"MJbeattheshitoutofme," I said softly.

"I'm sorry, what?" she asked with a little smile growing on her face.

Oh my god! This girl.


She erupted with laughter and soon I followed.

"But man! You had it coming, you SOB!" She said in between laughing and catching her breath.

"I know, but I didn't know it would be this bad," I replied softly.

Alice stopped abruptly.

"You don't get it, do you?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"If ANYONE found out who she really was, who knows what could have happened to her, or her little brother. You know those men would kill to figure out who she is and ruin her, I'm surprised she didn't break a couple of your bones. You know her mother died years ago and she had to raise her little brother, she is like a second mother to him, and you were going to take away her only source of income and protection for WHAT?! Payback for rejecting you in the janitors closet?!"

When she finished her rant, everything just clicked but there was a piece still missing.

"Why would she need that much money, doesn't her dad pay for everything?" I asked.

At the mention of MJ's dad, a dark shadow took over Alice's face.

"He is not a very nice or caring man James," was all she said in response.

"What do you mean, not nice or caring Alice?" The words slowly came out of my mouth.

My eyes widened at the realization.

"Exactly what you think," she said.

"But why are you crying right now?" I asked her, still slightly confused.

She looked at me for a second like she wanted to finish what MJ started.

"Don't you get it? Her father doesn't know about her fighting, he is a drunk and he misses his wife. So who do you think he takes that out on? Somethings you don't know about MJ is that she will do whatever it takes to protect little Sammy, even if it means other things for her. So that is why I am crying James, I left my best friend last night in the hands of a monster and for all know she could be dead right now."

Red. That is all I saw. Not the fiery red like MJ's hair, but blood red.

I took up the space that separated Alice's body and mine. Taking her shoulders in my tight grip I asked her,

"Where does she live?"

When she doesn't answer I shook her a little and that seamed to have gotten her out of whatever trance she was in, she took a deep breath and let it out, in finalization and said,

"I'll drive you."


Hi everyone! Thank you for still reading my story, even though updates are still getting there. But what do you think of Alice and James's little heart to heart. And James's realization. What do you think will happen? Will MJ loose her life? Will James teach MJ's dad a lesson he will never forget? What about Sammy?!? All questions will be answered soon. For now I will leave you guys on a cliff hanger.

Don't forget to:




Until next time. :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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