Lunch is served best with a side of kickass (3)

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*Important message at the end, please read*
Picture of green house ^^^^
Lunch time. I survived the first block of school, but I only have 3 classes left so that's good. Before I entered the cafeteria Alice linked our arms together and gave me a confident smile.
Really, what did I do right to get this girl?
We waked into the cafeteria and headed straight for the lunch line. Since I didn't have time to make lunch and bring it with me, I was going to have to get a school lunch.
"Did you forget the make a lunch?" Whispered Alice.
"Yeah, but it's fine, I'll just get the burger because you know that is the only edible item on the menu." I replied.
Alice just stared at me for a moment and then started to laugh. I took that moment to look at my best friend, not just glance but really look.
She had curly brown hair that was silky to the touch. She had an average athletic body, because she did track and field. Her eyes were really breath taking, they were a light shade of grey that slowly goes into a faded blue. Her full lips did her justice alone with prominent cheek bones and soft honey skin. She was a mix of Italian, dad's side, and Caribbean, her mom's side. Alice was an exotic girl.
So why would she be best friends with me? After her little laughing episode she said,
"Come on, my mom made lunch to feed an entire army for me, I'm pretty sure I can share with you."
"You don't have to I can just...."
"No," she cut me off, "you share your lunch with me all the time when I forget to bring my lunch, also you are my best friend, I'd give you a kidney if you asked me." She said the last part softly.
That brought tears to my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away.
"Ok" I said softly.
Alice was the only one in my life that knew about my situation at home and at night. She was my rock, I don't know what I'd do without her. She led me to our table in the school's garden, she knew I didn't like confined places so we chose to sit here since freshman year.

(Hey guys I don't know if I told you this already but MJ is a senior in high school, so if I said junior then my apologies)

It had all sorts of plants from flowers to fruits to veggies, you name it we've got it.
We loved to sit in the trees section, it's aroma just lured us there, especially the apple tree and orange tree. Alice and I always say in between, sort of for a metaphoric reason. Even tho apples and oranges don't go well together we always will.
"So my mom was trying to go American today, so she made...drum roll please," Alice started to take out the food that was wrapped in tin foil. I laughed at her silliness but still did the drum roll.
"PB&J, grilled cheese, ham and cheese, macaroni and cheese and Cesar salad."
Oh my god, Alice's mom is amazing, she does a different type of food every week so I guess this week is American. The topic of mothers came up in my head and that completely ruined my mood.
"Hey, what's wrong, you were smiling just a second ago?" Asked Alice.
"Was it the food, so you not like this kind of food, it's ok we'll get something else," with that in her mind Alice tried to get up but I stopped her. She was so considerate and kind that she thought it was the food that brought me down.
I sighed and when I tried to talk a soft sob erupted from my body. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the hot tears running down my face. Alice pulled me into a hug and let me cry in her shoulder. After a couple of minutes of crying I looked at Alice and she had a sympathetic smile on her face.
"I just miss her so much" I said while wiping the tears away.
"I know MJ, me too," said Alice.
With that we started eating our lunch. That was when I heard the door to the garden opening, I know Alice heard it too because her eyes widened in shock. I turned around and I saw why. James Anderson was standing at the door looking around the plants, what he was looking for, I didn't know. But I couldn't help myself to appreciate his fine figure, but when I looked up at his face our eyes made contact, I saw a smirk forming of his face as if he wanted to say, I saw what you we doing. He started to walk towards the place where Alice and I were sitting and when he was right in front of us he sat down.
"Hi," he said.
"Hi," Alice said, a little to excitedly.
"Can I talk to You Mary Jane?" He asked me.
"You are talking to me," I stated.
I didn't think he expected that because he looked at me with a little shock in his face, but he quickly covered it with a short laugh.
"I know I am already talking to you but can we talk, in private?" He replied.
With that Alice looked at him, then back at me a couple of times before it finally registered in her head.
"Oh! Ok I'll be right next to the watermelons if you need me MJ" after that being said she walked away, leaving me with the golden boy.
"What do you want?" I asked bluntly.
"I wanted to apologize about this morning, Mackenzie didn't have the right to answer for me and she treated you like shit so I felt bad.." He started but I cut him off.
"You don't have to apologize I can fight my own battles, she didn't hurt my feeling but I will put away my pride for a second and apologize for running into you this morning, because I know you weren't going to be the bigger person and apologize so I thought I would," I said.
James looked at me like I was crazy.
"I don't know weather or not to take that as a complement or an insult"
"You can take it however you want, so are you done because I really don't want another run in with your girlfriend," I replied.
He just kept on staring at me like he was trying to put together a puzzle piece. I just couldn't take it anymore.
"Why are you staring at me like that?"
"Because I am trying to figure you out, oh and did you say girlfriend? Mackenzie is not my girlfriend, just an ex that couldn't take a hint," he said.
"Alright then what do..." I never got to finish that sentence because Mackenzie freaking Colt barged into the garden like she owned the place. Her eyes looked around the garden until she found me standing next to James. She looked like she had steam rising out of her ears, that was when she started to walk over.
"Jamie!" She screeched "what are you doing here with this slut!"
I couldn't take it anymore.
"Who are you calling a slut, reject?!" I answered back with as much venom as I could get.
She stopped gazing at James and looked at me with a cold glare.
"What did you call me?" She asked.
I sighed in annoyance.
"You heard me, or did you also need plastic surgery for your ears?" I asked innocently.
I heard a chocking sound that sounded like snickering from James, like he was trying to hold back his laughter. Mackenzie looked at me then at James, with a final screech she extended her fake nails as if she wanted to claw my face into ribbons. When she was an inch away from my face I took her left arm and swung my right fist into her face. I made contact with her nose, which quickly started to bleed. But I didn't stop there, when she was too busy with her nose I kneed her in the gut which made her double over in pain. I took both my elbows and rammed them into her back, which made her collapse. With a look of satisfaction on my face I walked I front of her bloody body and took so of her hair in my hand to lift her face.
"If you ever try that on me again, I will do more than just bust up your ugly face," I said softly.
I dropped her head on the ground, but when I turned around I saw James staring at me.
I found Alice next to the watermelons and when I looked back at James he was still staring at me, then I realized that Alice had a perfect view of what just happened. She looked at me with pride and started clapping.
"You had perfect form, damn, that bitch didn't stand a chance against my MJ," Alice said.
We then walked back to our spot and took our food and ate it while we were walking out of the garden. Before we walked out of the door I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me tense up, which I guessed the owner of the hand realized because they let go immediately. I turned around and saw James.
"H-how d-did you d-do that?" He asked me.
I made James Anderson a stuttering mess.
"That is for me to know and for you to never find out," I said to him.
I took a bite out of the PB&J and walked out of the garden with Alice's arm linked in mine.
Author: Hi lovelies, so what did you think of this chapter? What do you think James will do now? DUN DUN DUNNN!!
Also if anyone would like to make a new cover for this story just send it to me, so the pic, my user name and you user name. Also if anyone would like to comment on a cast list please do so, I would like to know who you see when you read about the characters. Thank you my lovelies and I will see you guys when I update soon 😉.

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