Chapter 7

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A meeting was being held among the ruler, his guards, and the Espada in Las Noches, regarding the impending war. The possibilities of an invasion were high, due to their new member. Aizen's eyes flickered towards the human, Orihime, who stood silently by his side. Her fear only caused him to smirk to himself, turning back to those around the table. "Let us begin."

In the shadows of the castle the pawns fell, one by one with little chance to fight back. The darkness swept over the building, taking out everything in its path and for a moment the leader noticed something was off, yet chose to ignore it for the time being. When Ulquiorra's head tilted up though, the action did not go unnoticed. There was a commotion in the hall, drawing everyone's eyes towards the closed doors.

"My, my," Gin said. "It seems the Fracción have begun fighting."

The Espadas' grumbled to themselves, annoyed by the task of having to separate them. However, the doors began to open making them freeze. A figure stood between the two, impressive for their size. Though it was mostly hidden under a dark cloak. There was no Spiritual Pressure to identify them.

"Can we help you?" Aizen asked. The fight was still going on in the hall out of their sight.

The figure only stood there, scanning the crowded table under the hood. Some of the Espada shifted nervously in their seats, on edge with the fact that the intruder was so quiet. "Who the hell is this?" Grimmjow snarled. His hand inched towards the hilt of his zanpakuto.

"One of your experiments, Szayel?" Starrk asked.

"I figured it was one of Ulquiorra's," the Eighth answered. "Quiet thing this one is."

"This trash does not belong to me," the young man answered.

Something shifted inside of the cloak, their eyes darting towards the movement before a head rolled out from under. Nnoitra yelled in rage at the sight of his Fracción's head, causing the men and woman to either quickly stand or reach towards their weapons. Orihime's eyes were wide in fear, slowly moving away from the table. She wasn't safe. "Bastard!"

They began walking forward. "Stand back!" Kaname stated. Their movements did not slow or falter, the Lord growing intrigued by this person. Power. That made them desirable. "That is an order!"

A hand reached up, untying the string and allowing the article to fall to the floor. A snarl ran through the Arrancars, though surprised it was a woman in their presence. However, Gin's eyes fully opened in shock, grin falling. Meanwhile, Aizen's face paled. As if he'd seen a ghost. The hatred in the young woman's eyes was terrifying, hand gripping the hilt of a zanpakuto tightly.

"Ellie..." he breathed.

The Spiritual Pressure that pressed down on them stalled the enemy for a moment. But that made all the difference. Flash step. And at an impressive speed as a blade sliced through the Ninth's glass mask, decapitating Yammi and Zommari. Form coming into focus for a second, Ellie was crouched on the table, giving the Soul Reapers a clear view of the sword in hand. Both Captains wondered when its transformation happened, reaching for their own zanpakutos. Espada attacked, but the girl cut through every one of them as if they were children swinging around toy weapons. The blade ran through Kaname's gut, blood spewing from his mouth as Gin rushed in. But Ellie anticipated this, throwing around the blade with lightning speed and cutting the man down the middle. As he fell to the ground, Aizen appeared in his place, but the Soul Reaper ignored the ex-Captain, rushing towards the empty chair at the end of the table. Her hand gripped an invisible object before shoving it backwards and making the chair topple over. The real Aizen came into view and just the sight of him caused Pressure to flare into the form of a tiger over her shoulders.

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