Chapter 6

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It had been two, long years since the Soul Reaper had seen the tall buildings in the Soul Society. Two years without contact from a single comrade. Two years living with the Adjuchas. Slowly, she could see herself picking up certain traits or mannerisms from the others. Their hard nature, no mercy attitude towards enemies, and warrior heart. Easily, she could face Ratchet and tie with him in a match. Easily, she could keep up with Bjork in training and barely break a sweat. Easily, she could control her zanpakuto like a skilled swordsman.

A group of Adjuchas, who had been doing a perimeter check, returned early with interesting information. They had run into the Guardian of the Forest, who was boasting about Lord Aizen's newest accomplishments. There was a new addition to their team. "Orihime Inoue."

Ellie's head snapped up. "What?"

"Are you having hearing issues now?" Ratchet grumbled. Iman slapped him upside the head.

"Do you know her?" Bjork asked.

"She's a human, from the World of the Living. A very skilled and powerful healer. An ally to the Soul Society."

"So she's not a fighter."

"Far from it."

"Doesn't mean the girl can't be turned into one," Ratchet said. "Aizen does it all the time. Besides, look what we did to you."

The man's last statement was ignored. "Would you have any idea as to why Aizen would kidnap her?" Bjork asked.

The Soul Reaper thought for a moment. What were his plans? She hadn't been around that long to see this far into the future. "Take away a powerful healer that could be an asset to the Society... it could cause people to take drastic action. And maybe that's what he wants. Aizen is taking the first step."

"The war is starting," the leader declared. "And now it is our time to begin putting our own plans in motion." His eyes never left Ellie. "We start at dawn."

There were no objections.


It was cool out when Ellie appeared at the training arena they always met at. But he wasn't there. Something flared from behind, heightening her senses. Ellie wasted no time in removing the zanpkauto from the sheath and swinging it around, clashing with Bjork's bone arm. The force pushed her back, the young woman tumbling out of the way to assess the situation. "Good," he said. "I think back to the time when you first came to this place. That attack would've killed you in an instant. You have grown. This will be the last thing I will teach you."

"What?" she asked, when the man did not continue.

"That is for you to figure out for yourself." His body was ready to attack. "We will not stop until then."

Their fight drew a crowd as it passed well into the afternoon. But now it was hot, sweat dripping down their bodies, yet neither gave up as exhaustion set in. He nearly took out the girl's right eye, claws nicking the eyebrow. Ellie was smart enough to turn with the attack so it wasn't direct. Foot slamming into his gut, the leader was thrown backwards, which caused a chorus of animalistic howls to ignite in the group. The Soul Reaper smirked, watching as he wiped blood from his lip.

Sonido. But the young woman didn't play into his game by matching it, only throwing up the zanpakuto as sparks flew through the air upon contact. "Show me that you will never become their prey again," he muttered gruffly in her ear. "Show me what you are truly capable of. Show me the fighter you will become. Because I can assure you Las Noches will not give you a second to think. You must be one step ahead of your enemies."

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