Her sudden release of Pressure threw everyone off. Bjork's eyes widened when their eyes met. They were black with anger. The force behind the shove threw the Adjuchas back, catching himself on a tree and diving in for another attack. There could never be any hesitation. But Ellie was on point, throwing up the weapon and slicing through the arm. The strike did not stop there when the leader fell to the ground on his knees, flipping the handle in her grasp.

The zanpakuto came swinging around, aimed for the Adjuchas's neck. There was no time for Bjork to react, making eye contact with the Soul Reaper. Her eyes slightly widened. "The day you are deemed ready to face Aizen and his army in Las Noches will be the day you take the final swing with the intent of a killer. No hesitation. You will discover the answer for yourself when the time comes."

Her movements did not slow, eyes hardening as the blade sliced through the skin and severing off the head. The others watching stood or sat at attention, amazed by what had just happened. No longer were they cheering. As the body of their leader began to materialize a murmur ran through the crowd wondering just what would happen now. Ratchet snarled, flexing his claws to be ready in case the Soul Reaper decided to betray them.

"Well?" he shouted. "What now, bitch?"

Slowly, Ellie turned eyes scanning over the Adjuchas one by one before looking down at her own zanpakuto. The young woman's lips parted to answer.


The Guardian of the Forest walked away from the carnage of their latest victim who has displeased Lord Aizen, grinning as the Adjuchas regrouped around him. "Where to now?" one asked.

The Guardian thought for a moment. "We have yet to hear from Bjork personally in months," he answered. "Shall we pay him a visit?"

A wicked laugh ran through the crowd, tracking the group's movements. They had situated themselves in the far Northern area of the forest, which appeared to the leader as odd, seeing as their range was usually in the East where the sand met the rock cavern that lead into the forest. A scrapping noise drew their attention, watching as Ratchet sharpened his claws. "Well, well, are you the guard dog today, Ratchet?"

"Shut the fuck up, bastard," the Hollow snarled.

"Where's Bjork?"

"Why would you want to know?"

"I'm only looking for a civil conversation."

"Bullshit." He had no problem addressing the Adjuchas, wanting to do nothing, but rip out his throat.

"Very well then, I will find him myself."

"I wouldn't waste your time," the man stopped them.

"Oh? And why do you say that?"

"Because he's dead. In case you haven't noticed his presence has disappeared."

The Guardian smirked. "So, the bastard finally died, eh? Well then, what a pity." Snickers ran through the others. "You belong to me now. All of you."

"That is where you are wrong. You're a little too late. Someone else has stepped up into his place."

His eyes narrowed in warning. "What?"

"In fact, and I can't believe I'm saying this, they may be even stronger than you. No." Ratchet turned to look at the Hollow to make his point clear. "Stronger than Lord Aizen."

"I will carve out your tongue for this nonsense you speak of. "

"But it is the truth, and frankly, Guardian." There was movement in the trees as the hiding Adjuchas made themselves known, bodies poised in positions ready to fight. "We believe a new ranking assignment is in order."

The opposing side was annoyed, low growls and snarls emitting from their throats. "I will take great pleasure in killing every last one of you. Why Lord Aizen has kept you around, Adjuchas who serve little to no purpose, is beyond me. I don't need an order, my decision is to kill all of you where you stand."

"Fine then," Iman spoke up. "But you're forgetting one thing."

"And what would that be?"

"You have yet to meet Bjork's successor."

An immense Pressure pressed against the Guardian's shoulders and the Adjuchas who followed him. The figure came stalking up the rock beside Ratchet. Their clothing was dark, a zanpakuto attached to the waist. His eyes widened at the sight of a figure of flesh, not a Hollow at all. How had they missed this intruder and just how long had they been here? Who were they? And why were Adjuchas following them?

"You're in my way," the young woman stated. The deadly look in her cold eyes froze the Guardian and his forces on the spot. "Every. Single. One. Of. You."

Their cries were lost in the vast landscape of the Forest of Menos.

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