Sign Of The Times

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We don't talk enough
We should open up
Before it's all too much
Will we ever learn
We've been here before
It's just what we know  

Sign Of The Times- Harry Styles


Present Day

Barry is still out and I have no idea where he is. I have been quite worried about him lately. He seems so sad and miserable. I wish he would tell me what was bothering him. He's my best friend and I hate seeing him anything less than happy.

He has just been so distant in the last week or so and I want to be able to help him through whatever he's going through right now but he is pushing me away. He hasn't said anything or done anything but I can feel that he is. I've always been able to tell how he feels but recently I haven't. 

He's always had his secrets and things he keeps to himself which I respect. Like for instance, why he hasn't dated anyone since we met. I know that he's never had a girlfriend, he's still a virgin and hasn't had his first kiss yet. I know plenty of girls who would date him but he just doesn't seem interested in anyone. He's not... gay, is he?

No, no. I remember he told me he used to have this crush on a girl called Patty Spivot back in high school but never had the courage to ask her out on a date. He's so cute sometimes. He deserves to meet the right girl but he just doesn't seem interested in anyone. It's strange really.

But I really do need him to get back soon because I have to get a book out of his room. I lent it to him about a week ago because he needed it for some research for a paper but I need it back for a paper of my own. 

Oh, wait! I have the spare key to his dorm room, I'll just use that to get into his room. 

I quickly rummaged through my drawer and found it then before walking to his door and opening it with the key. I walked in and closed the door behind me but didn't lock it. It wasn't long until I found the book sitting on his desk. I picked it up and was about to leave when I spotted something in the corner of my eye.

It was a piece of paper. And it was lying underneath the book I had just picked up. The thing that sparked my interest was my name. I blinked then looked again and saw my name. It was really my name. That's strange? Why would he have that? I picked up the paper and found that there was a lot more writing than just my name. 

Curiously and with knit eyebrows, I sat on the edge of his bed and tucked my legs under me to get more comfortable.

It looked like... a letter... a love letter...

It read:


 Feelings can't be expressed easily, especially mine, but words have the power of expression. I want to write to you about my feelings. Where should I start from, I don't know. Since the time you came into my life, my world completely changed. I felt like I was not the same again, was always lost in your thoughts. I think that's the teh magic of loving you. The love I have for you is so pure and true, that you occupy my thoughts. I may not be with you but you are with me in my heart. I swear that I love you more than yesterday. It's true, I really love you.

Often as I lie awake at night I wonder if you are also lying awake. Are you in pain or feeling alone? Do you feel the same way I do? Caitlin, do you feel anything for me at all? Do you even have the tiniest and smallest inkling of my feelings for you? Could you ever love me? Will we ever be together? Or will I forever be the guy who was left on the shelf? The guy you didn't see? The guy who you never realised loves you? Will I always be the guy you never thought about being with? Or the guy you never considered?

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