Little Do You Know

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I'll wait, I'll wait
I love you like you've never felt the pain
I'll wait
I promise you don't have to be afraid
I'll wait
The love is here and here to stay
So lay your head on me  

Little do you know
I know you're hurtin' while I'm sound asleep
Little do you know
All my mistakes are slowly drowning me
Little do you know
I'm trying to make it better piece by piece
Little do you know I
I'll love you till the sun dies  

Little Do You Know- Alex & Sierra


Two Years And Eleven Months Ago  

It's been a month since Caitlin and I are studying in her room on her bed. Neither of us are really the party type so we are both just studying, what can I say, we are nerds?

Although, I can't help but notice how nice she looks today. She's only wearing a grey sweater and some simple loose fitting jeans but she still looked really nice. Her hair was loose and she wasn't wearing any makeup. I always thought that she was prettier with no makeup on. It's nice to see her being herself.

I couldn't help but stare, she just looked so nice. I just couldn't take my eyes off of her.

"Barry, I can see you looking at me, you know," she giggled, looking up at me from her book. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I turned crimson red after getting caught staring at her. She continued to giggle as I grew redder and redder. "Don't worry, I think you're cute too," she laughed with a shy smirk making my heart miss a beat and my cheeks grow even further red like they were glowing.

"You... You do?" I questioned, stuttering as she continued to giggle.

"Yeah," she replied, leaning forward and kissing my cheek. I completely froze. This is the closest I have ever been to a girl aside family members. 

As soon as she pulled away and noticed my reaction, she burst out laughing once again and once I had snapped out from my trance I did too. 

When the moment passed, we both sobered up and returned to our work. I couldn't help but catch occasional glances of her while I was working. Luckily, she didn't seem to notice or if she did she didn't seem to mind. But every so often, she would look up too and smile softly and sweetly at me making me smile right back at her.

Three Months Later

It was Friday and Caitlin and I was spending the whole night watching an all night Star Wars movie marthon in my room. We both adore the movies as we are both massive nerds and fans.

Caitlin was practically completely against me despite the fact she has a boyfriend, Hunter. It's been a month since I realised I was falling for her and everything has been going great between us. At least, friendship wise. Everything else... well, there isn't anything 'everything else'.

We were both under the covers of my bed in our PJ's with her head lying on my chest with her arms around her. A bucket of popcorn was resting on my lap so we could both easily access it. I could hear her soft breathing and I knew that she could hear my heartbeat. 

My heart was racing from having her so close to me and pressed against me but I had to try and control it so she wouldn't find out or notice. why is it that I always find myself wearing my heart on my sleeves? I want to tell her how I feel but she isn't available right now so I can't. I want to know whether she cares about me the same way I care about her. It's hard to keep it in but I know that I can. At least for a little while.

I looked down at her beautiful face and swept her hair out of her vision. She looked up at me and smiled softly and sweetly with her soft brown eyes focussing on my face. She was so breathtakingly beautiful. Every move she makes causes my heart to melt and skip a beat in my chest. 

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