Chapter 5:

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Monty galloped along the trails while I clung to his mane, letting his soft coat absorb my tears. I barely noticed, or cared where he was headed, I just kicked him on, keeping myself balanced when I felt him leap over various obstacles in his path. Even on a trail ride the coaches here instead on constant training, which is why the trail path was littered with small jumps, which could either be hopped over or you could just have your horse move around them.

My eyes were blurry with tears as I lifted my face from Monty's mane when I noticed he hadn't jumped anymore obstacles.

Where were we?

I didn't recognize the tall, dark trees and grass covered path that had no signs of hoof prints anywhere. I gently tugged Monty's main and he slowed to a walk, his ears pricked forward.

Clearly he didn't know where we were either.

I clicked my tongue so Monty would break into a smooth trot while I tried to get a feel of where we had ended up. I wiped the remaining tears from my soaked cheeks and rubbed Monty's neck.

" I can't believe she was to take you away from me... " I mumbled to not only myself, but to Monty as well.

He snorted and shook his head, seeming to catch on to my mood.

" Kinswood wasn't just her dream, it was dad's too...if he were here... " I sighed. " ...Should I try to contact him...? "

I could see the corner of Monty's eye as he watched a particularly scary looking tree branch sway in the cool breeze. I patted his shoulder to assure him he wouldn't get hurt and it seemed to work, as I felt his tense muscles relax under my touch.

" Don't worry boy...nothing, not even my mother, is going to take you from me...we're partners until the end... "

Monty nickered and bobbed his head, making me smile.

We trotted down a slight incline and the grassy path quickly became thicker. Branches and tall plant stems brush against us. Nothing had started to look even remotely familiar.

" ...Where did you take me boy? " I whispered to Monty, now wishing I had been paying attention while he had been galloping along the trail.

Monty snorted again and weaved around a tree that looked about ready to fall over, half-rotting away at the stump and leaning dangerously over our heads. I ducked down and held my breath until we were safely away from the hazard.

Suddenly, there was a sound. A sound so loud it seemed to shake the ground. A loud bang followed by the chirping and fleeing of birds who had been peacefully sleeping.

Monty whinnied and reared up in fear, while I struggled to try and grip his mane, but the sound had come out of nowhere and I had had my guard down.

I gasped as I slipped backwards, landing roughly on the ground as Monty whinnied again, circling and rearing in fear.

I quickly stood before I could be stepped on. " Easy! Easy boy! It's okay! "

Monty pranced in place in front of me, his nostrils flared and the whites in his eyes showing.

I slowly reached out my hand and placed it on his nose. " It's okay're okay...I'm right here...nothing will hurt you as long as I'm here...okay? "

His quick breathing slowly calmed down as he leaned into my touch.

I smiled. " There's a good boy... " I started regretting not bringing out a lead rope or halter with me. If that sound came back, there was a good chance that Monty could bolt and be lost in the miles of forest and open fields surrounding Kinswood.

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