Please Don't

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Written by: ALittleAfterMidnigt

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A/N- 1) I posted this on tumblr but changed it from first POV to second POV

2) This is inspired by a song called Please Don't by K.will, check it out if you want

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After Mount Weather, everyone was changed. You thought the grounders were the last of your suffering but it wasn't, Mount Weather stole that title from the grounders. It completely changed Jasper; he wasn't his funny joking self. He changed. He became depressed and sad and completely heartbroken. You felt the same way, his betrayal left you scarred and broken. You and Jasper knew each other back in the ark, when you were best of friends. You, he and Monty were the dynamic trio; nothing could stop you three and nothing did. Landing on earth changed Jasper a little but it was a good change, he became more protective of you and you guys ended up dating. You loved him the moment you laid my eyes on him, falling in love with his features: His dark hair, his dreamy eyes, his stupid but hilarious jokes and the way he carried his confidence around. You loved that about him, you still do. The thing you loved the most about him was his loyalty. He was loyal to whatever and that element of his made you a sucker for his love. He was loyal.

It was a stab in your heart when you caught him and Maya in a very heated make out session. You felt warm tears flood your cheeks and a million daggers striking you everywhere. How could someone just cheat on their partner? You stood there, dumb founded, as Jasper mouth moved but you didn't hear a word he said. Your mind went blank taking you back to the best memories you had with him, making you hate him even more. You walked out of the room and hurried in your steps to avoid his calls. He grabbed your arm and you turned around slapping him but he didn't seem surprised. "Did my back hurt your knife you asshole?" you said.

"I'm so sorry Y/N" He said.

"Sorry you cheated or sorry you got caught?" you asked and got no reply from him, "Exactly my fucking point. How could I ever think you were loyal? Was I not enough? Jasper just give me a reason, anything for me to know why my damn love wasn't enough?" you yelled and saw him flinch at your words while looking at his feet. Maya stood behind him watching the confrontation, "Good Job little princess, took away the only thing I ever loved" You told her as you walked pass Japer to her but a pair of hands blocked you from moving towards her.

"Don't go near her" He said and you looked at him in utter shock. 'How could he after all this time? How could he do this to me?' you thought. You never hated anyone more in your life at that moment. You just looked at him with wide eyes, tears streaming even more. You didn't hold back and punched him. Once he fell to the ground, you dropped to your knees and punched him even more. Security came to take you away and locked you up in a room filled with white. You didn't scream and yell anymore, you just cried. You couldn't believe he chose her. He promised you a future, something about a farm, where you two would have kids and a bunch of animals. He told you about his dreams of being with you and you being the only one for him. He cried having nightmares about you being killed or leaving him and at times like that you had to reassure him that you would never but you never anticipated him leaving you. "I guess I was too naïve to think he was too naïve to commit such sins. The sin of betrayal." You could you're your lungs aching but it didn't hurt as much as your heart did at that moment. "Why did I hope too high only to break my own self? Why do I always aim too high, so high that I can't even reach?" Your heart felt like it was ripped out by her and he just watched. You've grown to like him, walked into loving him. You walked into this garden of his love for 3 years, loving every part of him, hoping you could heal the broken parts. You thought you walked into love together, but you walked into a trap that was set up to break hearts. You could feel the fire that ignited slowly burning every shred of hope you had with this man you've loved.

You were back at Arkadia; the people were celebrating your return from Mount Weather. You sat in a corner far away from the crowd. A tap on your shoulder was what it took to snatch you out of a daydream. Clarke sat next to you, "Can I ask for a favor?" She said and you nodded, "Get into the jeep and get me these herbs. People will most likely get hurt with this mess we are in and I need backup"

"Anything you wish princess" You said and she chuckled, "Jasper is in the car so hurry" She walked away not knowing the events that occurred in that horrible place. You took a deep breath and fixed your hair. You walked towards the jeep to see Jasper tapping on the wheel singing some song you never heard. You cleared your throat and noticed his body tensing up. You sat in the seat next to him and buckled up knowing it would be a long ride. His left hand was on the wheel and his right hand just lingered. That hand use to hold yours, making your whole existence feel safe and secure. Your left hand fiddled with your lips to distract yourself from the awkward silence that filled the atmosphere. He missed a couple of turns making the way even longer but your job at picking on your lip acted as your way of entertainment. After for what felt like centuries, you arrived and you took the backpack Clarke had previously placed in the vehicle. You took out the herbs she told you to get and placed them in their designated jars. After filling up all the four jars she had supplied you with, you placed them back in the backpack and went back to the car. Jasper was not in the car so you searched the area trying to find him. He was sitting near a bunch of rocks that were surrounded by flowers. "They're beautiful" you heard him whisper to himself

"They can also kill" you told him and he looked back at you, "I'm done" you said and you're your way back to the car.

"Letting you go was the hardest thing I had to ever do" He said and you turned back to face him. He took a few steps and held you in his grip, your head in his chest, "Should I pretend to be crazy? I know you want me to let go but my body refuses"

You loosened yourself from his grip and looked him in the eye, "But you did. YOU cheated, YOU had me wrapped around your fingers but you let me go." You saw his tears flushing his cheeks as he struggled to take out something out of his pockets.

"I still have the handkerchief you gave me back in the ark. When we pretended to be all formal and sophisticated at the dance"

"I lost that Jasper the moment he cheated on me. The moment he thought my heart and soul meant nothing to him. This new Jasper can float himself. It's going to get dark soon. Let's leave now" you told him and made your way back to the car. You buckled up and waited for him to start driving. He rode the car and started the engine driving back to Arkadia. The ride didn't seem as long as the way back. Maybe because your mind was occupied by all the moments you had with Jasper. The moment he led you to the glowing butterflies and confessed his feelings, or the time he took you to the small lake where you cleaned up together and he made you wear his jacket. There was also the moment when he made you goggles like his as a couple kind of thing. The time he fought off a grounder to save you but ended up getting the attention of almost all the girls in the camp. That was one of your first fights, after that you had your first kiss and you started to share tents. You could feel tears building up in your eyes as you reached Arkadia, taking the backpack your intentions where to head to medical but Jasper's word made you stop in your tracks. "Please don't leave. I'm intoxicated by you and your scent. I feel like I don't want to wake up forever because you don't wake up next to me anymore. I don't know why, I don't know why I did it. I had the most perfect girlfriend ever and I let her go. I regret it Y/N I really do. Every fucking day I wake up since you left, I regret letting you go."

"This is all coming out now? You didn't seem to think about my feelings when you were with Maya in Mount Weather. I died watching you with her every day. I lost a piece of me watching you kiss her, hug her, dance with her, sing to her. Just because you need someone to replace the void her death left, doesn't mean you have to act like you always loved me. I can finally say I'm over you, I can finally say your name without crying. I can finally sleep without seeing you or her in my dreams, taunting me for being such a fool." you said, "I'm done with you Jordan. I'm done with you for good this time" you then left and headed to medical to give Clarke the herbs she needed.

"Please don't leave. Come back, come back to me" He whispered to himself, "Your cold scent is the only thing left. And I'm so fucking sorry" He continued and started to hit the wheel with his hands out of anger.

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