The Project

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      I woke up by the sound of slamming and curses from my stepmother trying to wake me up.The typical morning routine.But usually I'm awake before my stepmother tries to wake me.I'm more of a morning person.


I usually wake up at 5:30 and spend thirty minutes thinking until my stepmother comes.


As usual I stood up and walked into my bathroom.You'd think I'd be like normal girls,putting on makeup,getting my hair done, and picking the right outfit.But I'm far from that.


I'm don't have much.So I just take a shower,brush my hair,and wear a bland tee shirt and jeans.And walk downstairs


I headed to the kitchen seeing my stepmother Constance.


'I need you to make some breakfast" Constance says.


All I could do is nod my head.I could not say no or there will be consequences.

After breakfast Constance drove her son to school.And me like usual stayed behind and cleaned the dishes.Then walk to school.But I don't mind because I do not what to be near them.Especially her son Andy.

I hate him so much.What he had/does to me is seriously horrible. He has always caused me pain.He had raped me and still does.He abuses me.And the bullying at school.But I learned to deal with it and act like it does not bother me,But deep down it hurts like hell.

And Constance is just wicked like him.It runs in their family.She is the queen of evil.She killed my father.I have no proof but I just know she did.She only liked him for his money.And one day she wanted the money all for her,so she killed my dad.

But I made a promise to my father I would get my revenge.One day when she is in her weakest times I will get my revenge.I can just imagine that day and my father will lay in peace.

Anyways as I entered school I could hear the whisperes of people talking about me.And some people calling me names.And its all because of Andy.He made the whole school believe I wanted to have sex with him,and made everyone think I'm a slut. Some boys would come up to me and ask me for sex.

I walked to to my locker and got my things and headed to my first period class.I'm always there early.

"Good morning." I say to my teacher

"Good morning sweet heart,"she greets back

My teacher doesn't seem to be bothered when I come to class early because she understands.

I usually sit in the back where no one really is and where no one bothers me,Im quite and dont do much,which gives me an advantage to hear peoples conversions,and know more things about them,

For example Harry aka the "hot" popular guy has or did have something going on in his life.I can see the surferring in his eyes.But he is not willing to show it.He puts on a mask to hide the pain even if it means being a jerk.

It was 7th period which meant lunch.The worst period.This was the period I hated the most. This period is where I had Lunch with Andy. And it is horrible. HE always makes a big scene and it always has to invole me.

He insults me in this period. He makes sure everyone hears. He makes the worst of me. Actually he makes people think the worst of me. Lies he tells. But what can I do? Nothinng. So to avoid the humiliation i get in the lunch line and and go eat in the bathroom.

I eat lunch in the bathroom. Sounds sad, and yeah it's sad. But at least in here I do not have to worry about being teased. In here i don't have to be afraid. In here I have no worries. This sounds crazy but the bathroom is the best place in the school. Just me in a stall sitting down eating lunch alone


It was now eight period meaning it was Fine Arts. "Class we have learned so much this year. And now I want you guys to apply in a project you guys will be doing" The teacher informs the class."

"This means a group project. I will let you guys pick a partner or if you wish you can work alone."

Oh yes. I can work alone. Whenever we have a group project I work alone. I mean who would like to work with me? I'm so called " The Slut Of School". I'm the one who tried to "have sex with my stepbrother" I'm the one who nobody likes.

And honestly it hurts. I would love to have people to like me and know me for me and not because of rumors. Also would love to work with a partner who doesn't look at me in disgust. I just want to be a normal teenager. But I guess not.

While everyone was picking a partner I was just sitting there brainstorming ideas. What about drawing outdoors? Or maybe draw a lake or pond. Im actually a pretty good artist.

"Miss?" Harry says.

"Yes Harry"

"Can I work with Nicole?" Harry asked

When I heard those words I smiled. It made me happy that someone actually wanted to work with me. But my smiled went away when I realized it was Harry. He is a jerk. And I shall not work with him. I do not want to be bothered anymore.

"Well of course you can. Nicole would not mind if you do"

Oh no. Next thing I know there is someone sitting in front of me.

"Hello" Harry says. I just look at him. I do not like saying hi back to people. That is just the kind of person I am.

"You're so quite. But you will soon need to talk to me because we are partners. The period is almost over and we have two weeks to do this project. Do you think we can do it at your house?" Harry asks

It would happily say yes. But there is a problem. If I bring Harry home and do my project Constance will probably start yelling and think I'm a whore. But I'm sure she won't mind because he is Andy's close friend.

I shook my head. " Yes. How about you come today after school? We can walk together to my house."


He agreed.

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