{ #13 } It Was Your Time Of The Month

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Niall: "Hey babe I'm home! Where are you princess?" Niall shouted from downstairs, he just came home from the studio today. You were in pain because you were on your period "In our room!" you shouted back, a couple minutes later you heard the door open. You hid your face in the pillow while groaning "Help me, I'm in so much pain!" you groaned "Whats wrong Y/N?" he asked "Ugghh its my freaking period! My tummy and back hurts!" you complained. You felt him going beside you and stroking your hair gently "Aww, I'll be right back love" Niall said.

Moments later you hear his footsteps come back in the room "Babe stop covering your face and please sit down properly so I could help to ease your pain" he said. You sat down properly and saw that he was holding a tray of pain killers, some movies, lemonade, your favorite ice cream flavor and fudge brownies. He really spoils you a lot when your in pain or when your sick which is nice of him (sometimes not when he gets too carried away) "Help me!" you groaned "Come here princess. I am doctor Horan and I recommend that you drink this medicine and after that I'm gonna give you a treat of ice cream, fudge brownies, movies, and the most effective one of all" he said proudly "What is it doc?" You asked "Cuddling with me" he said with a smile "Okay". So you two enjoyed the treats (but he almost ate it all -_-') while watching your favorite movies and cuddling all night. The pain was gone the next day but it was replaced by a very bad headache which made it worse. But at least Dr. Horan will take care of you all over again.

Harry: It was your time of the month and you were having dome crazy mood swings, and the very worst back pains and cramps. You and Harry were watching your favorite soap opera and he keeps poking your cheeks which is disturbing you "Harry stop it!" You said "Why?" He asked "Because I can't focus on the damn show!" you said sounding angry "Sorry" he said. He looked sad which made you upset "Harry I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you" you apologized "I just can't control it" he sighed "Is it your time of the month again?" he asked you just nodded.

He smiled and left you alone in the living room couch which made you confused. Minutes later he came back "Well Mrs. moody pants here are some ice cream cake, comedy movies, a heating pad AND my kisses & hugs to make you feel much better" he said while having his cheeky grin "Okay, thanks Hazz" you said and gave him a kiss.

Liam: "Liam! Make it go away please!" you groaned as you rolled around in your bed groaning in pain "Coming Y/N!" he said from the kitchen. A few minutes later Liam came in your bedroom holding a tray of pure heaven I mean it's full of treats like chocolates, cookies, cakes, and some colas "I love you so much Lili" you said "I love you too babe, and I also love you more when your on your period" he said that made you pout "Meanie! Now come and cuddle with me cause I'm really hurting pretty please Liam, bring the goodies too love" you said that made him chuckle.

"Here you go miss, my name is Mr. Payne and I am your servant until you feel much better. What else do you need?" "Okay Mr. Payne I still have something I want before you can go" you said "And what is that Miss Y/N?" he asked "Could you bring me this guy who's name is Liam James Payne because I need his cuddles please" you said and chuckled "Well, whatever you need Miss Y/N. Please wait because I have to go and get this guy" Liam said and walked out the room then came right back. "You asked to see me?" he said "Yes now come here and cuddle with me before I get cranky again" you said "Your such a baby. But your my baby Y/N" Liam said and kissed your forehead "And your such a big meanie but your mine" you said. The both of you spent the rest of the day cuddling and eating treats.

Louis: "The queen of sass has risen up once again! Bow down and lets make her wishes come true lads or else she'll go crazy and will make our heads come off!!!" your boyfriend Louis said and rediculously bowed down in front of you. The other boys came over with their girlfriends because they wanna hang out and watch a movie with you and Louis together, but they changed their plans a little because you were on your period but as Louis likes to call it...'The Sass Week'. He calls it that because when it was your time of the month, you were literally scaring the King of Sass (a.k.a. Louis) because of our extreme sassiness plus your killer mood swings."Oh shut up Louis! Just act like any other normal person because your embarrassing yourself in front of the lads and the girls!" you said, Louis stood up quickly "Yes ma'am" he said.

"What do you guys wanna watch?" Perrie asked "Anything our Queen wants remember. So my Royal Queen what do you have in mind?" "Louis! Anyways I would love to watch some Hunger Games: Catching Fire!" you said with delight "As the Queen demands!". The guys set the film up, you and the girls were talking about some random stuff but then Louis disturbs "And what would you want to eat?" he asked "Um how about some popcorn and some other kinds of sweets?" you asked "Yes ma'am! Zayn, Liam make the Queen some popcorn and also bring desserts and other refreshments please and bring me some carrots too, the king need some comfort too you know" Louis said sassily. "Louis she's only on her period! And don't be bossy just because your girlfriend is! No offense Y/N" Zayn said "None taken" you said with a giggle "Sorry dad" Louis said. Then after a little bit of fighting, the rest of you enjoyed a great movie night even though your cramps were killing you.

Zayn: "Babe! I bought more lady and needed stuff for your period and I also bought some goodies too!" Zayn said from downstairs "Bring it up to our room please Zayn" you shouted back. It was your time of the month and you were having some serious back pains, cramps and mood swings which is a terrible mixture for Zayn, right now you were just watching some tv and cuddled with your blanket because the pain was just starting and was hurting more worse than hours ago when Zayn left because you asked him to buy more lady stuff at the store since you can't even get up "Y/N? Baby, are you feeling better?" he asked and stood beside you "What does it look like Zayn? This pain is getting on my last nerves! Why am I a girl for goodness sake? Why is mother nature punishing me?" you said getting pissed.

He sighed "C'mon Y/N it can't be that bad ain't it?" he asked "Easy for you to say Malik because your a boy but if your in my place right now, you'll understand why we girls hate our menstruation!" you said angrily, you're emotions are pretty mixed up. He chuckled "I'm sorry Hun. Why are you cuddling with a blanket? That's suppose to be my spot" Zayn said and pouted "Because he was making me warm and comfy when you were no with me, this is like my temporary replacement for you" "Well since I'm already here...move over Mr. Blanket cause this my baby your dealing with! Now move over because your only job here is to make the both of us warm while we watch some tv for who knows how long until Y/N here gets better!" Zayn said and sat on your bed here you are and began to cuddle with him. "I love you babe" you whispered in his ear "I love you too Y/N, now et some rest for you to get better tomorrow" Zayn said and kissed your forehead, you couldn't ask for another boyfriend because he was the one and only for you.


Pls vote and comment! I'm sorry if Harry's was kinda the shortest it's because I kinda ran out of ideas, I really apologize. Peace

One Direction Short ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora