{ #6 } Jealousy: Harry Imagine (Part 1)

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Your P.O.V.

Me and Harry have been together for at least 2 years but his real attitude is really getting to my last nerves. He is great and all but there is something about him that makes my blood boil sometimes and that's his overprotective-ness and jealousy.

For goodness' sake he almost poverized my friend at work last week because he thought he was flirting with me, and now he's on tour with the boys but he'll come home any day now.

I was reading a book when there was a knock on the door "Now who could that be?" I asked myself. I opened the door and saw my gay friend Jason but he wants us to call him Jess "Y/N!" he shouted "Jess!" we hugged each other really tight "Come in" I said then we came in mine and Harry's flat and then we sat on one of our sofas "So whats up and when did you came home? You should have texted or called me" I said while giving him a pout, he was working on America because he was a stylist.

"Sorry girlfriend, I just came home yesterday and I didn't call or texted because I wanna surprise you" he said "So how are you and Harry?" he asked "It's fine but he's too overprotective lately" I fiddled with my fingers "Oh I almost forgot, I have a gift for you" he handed me a box "Your so sweet" I opened the box and there was this beautiful necklace with my name in it "It's so pretty Jess, thanks" I gave him a hug.

Then the door opened "Babe I'm ho-" me and Jess pulled apart from our hug and looked who was at the door, shit it was Harry. "WHAT THE HELL Y/N!" he yelled "Harry this is not what it looks like" I defended but he didn't believe me "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU JUST HUG THAT MOTHERFUCKER!!!" he yelled while grabbing my arms and pulling me away from Jason "Harry let me explain" I said, he pushed me on the wall holding my wrists so tight.

"NO NEED FOR EXPLANATIONS Y/N CAUSE I KNOW WHAT I JUST SAW!!!" he yelled again "Hazz just listen to me for a second please" I begged but he tightened his grip more that it looked like it will leave a bruise "You listen to me for a second Y/N! Why, why did you do this?" he asked "Let me go so I can explain" I said "No!" I have no other choice but to do this.

"Harry you have 3 seconds to let go of my wrists or else" I warned "Or else what and no way until you explain!" he yelled "I'm sorry if I did this" I kicked his you-know-what that is below him, and he groaned in pain. I walked towards Jason to say that he should leave now but Harry grabbed my hair.

"You son of a bitch!" he pulled me by my hair and slapped me on the face so hard that there was a mark and I lost my balance. I began to sob and he just froze and looked at me with a shocked expression, well I think Harry and Jess have the same expression plastered in their faces "Y/N I didn't mean to, I'm sorry" he said.

He was about to help me up but I crawled away from him since my legs can't function because of my emotions "Y/N please forgive me" then I snapped at him "You motherfucking prick! I didn't cheat on you for goodness' sake, that's my friend and you didn't need to slap me in the face you bitch!!!" I yelled and he looked like guilt swallowed him whole.

I broke down to more tears because my face felt numb and it stings, Jess came to me and tried comforting me "Hey don't touch her!" Harry said "Enough Styles there's more about him" " But he's touching my prin-" I cut him of "Listen Harry, my friend Jason here is not straight" I said then he looked confused "Umm what?" he asked again.

"Don't you get it Harry do I need to say it one by one? HE. IS. GAY!!!" I shouted the last part "Oh" was all he can say "If your gonna continue on being an overprotective bitch then I think we can't be together anymore" I said sadly that made his eyes glossy. Jason whispered in my ear "Are you serious about breaking up with him Y/N?" I sighed "If he doesn't treat me well, I'm gonna do it" I whispered to him back.

"P-please Y/N don't l-leave me" Harry begged while officially crying hard "I'm sorry Hazz but we should take a break, but I will take you back when you change your habits" I got up on my feet and walked to our bedroom to pack my stuff. I asked Jess to help me pack and he agreed "Sorry if I put you to this mess Y/N" he said sadly "It's okay, and can I stay at your house" I asked "Sure" he smiled.

After you packed your stuff you went down and saw Harry crying, I just ignored him and continued walking toward the door Jason behind me "Y/N please give me another chance" Harry begged "Sorry Harry but I have to think about some things, until then goodbye for now" when we got out of the house I heard him shouting and things breaking.

Tears were threatening to come out but I took a deep breath and continued walking. I'm so sorry Harry.

---1 Month Later---

It's been 1 month since me and Harry broke up, I've been really lonely about it lately and Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn are getting me pissed EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! They're trying to get me and Harry back together but I just ignore them, they even tried to trick me once.

I have been receiving hates from fans too, they are giving me comments like 'Your a manwhore Y/N for cheating' and 'Burn in hell because you hurt our Hazz' I mean whose coming up with these stuff anyway? They give me threats and insults too which hurt me so much that I started to cut since they gave me hates.

None of the boys knows cause I hide it with accessories and stuff like that so they won't pester me to stop my now new bad habit. I have been living with Jess since we broke up, he said that I'm welcome anytime cause he still thinks he's the reason we put our relationship to rest. But he's wrong, even if he didn't come to our flat that day I still would have broke up with him.

I have been thinking about it for a while because it felt like everyday is torture for me because Harry's not acting like he's my boyfriend but instead he's acting like my dad who wouldn't let me date boys till I was 16, which sucks so bad.

I was eating some chips while watching Despicable Me 2 "Man I love this movie" I said to myself but then my phone rang, I picked it up and answered it.


Y- Hello? Who is this?

LP- Hello Y/N this is Liam

Y- Oh hey Li, why did you call? And if your gonna ask me to be Harry again then forget it

LP- No I didn't call for that, it's just you better come here in the hospital

Y- What?! Why?

LP- Harry got into an accident


Hey ya'll sorry for not updating for so long, so here's part one I'll update part 2 later 'kay. Hope u like it Beasters and please vote.

Stay tune and guess what will happen to poor Hazza Bear <3

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