Harry shakes his head, wiping any of those unwanted thoughts away, wiped it till it gleamed of nothing but the pure hatred he intended to feel. "No." He thrashes as he somehow found the ability to be able to use words, the language already foreign when spoken with his own mouth. "Please."

But the touching never ceases, never ceases as his breath hitches the moment those tainted hands find themselves down the his spine, as the disgusting goosebumps start to sliver its way down his spine.

"No, please." He blubbers. "Please," hot tears streams down his face. "stop."


He breaks out in cold sweat as the morning sun flashed themselves directly at his retinas, only burning him temporarily as he whips the thick, black duvet around his long, lithe body, as he involuntarily shivers at the memory.

He throws an arm around his eyes as he lays flatly on his back, afraid that if he closes them for even a second, that he'd have to go through the unending loop of deranged nightmares, that kind that he used to have, even when he was nothing but a boy with dirty blonde hair, who could pass off as a patron's son, only when he, or if he gets his waters for the day (of course).

He thinks for a moment that his senses had been obliterated like it had once, to lose the ability to smell, the ability to be able to hear, but then, he flickers to his little gadget from his skin-tight jeans (they're not tight at all actually, he'd like to think of them as snug and comfortable; probably why he snagged himself at least this one and another--2 pairs of jeans, yey!), even having to squirm infinitesimal little movements, just enough that his long, pale fingertips can grab ahold of a corner of the fancy (albeit really cheap) gadget he'd managed to purchase, that he'd seen on the hands of many young'uns and very few old souls; Harry always yields to temptation.

He figures that if he's going to live in--he clicks the damn thing open, prods at every single conceivable button to ever exist in the bloody thing--present day 2014, he might as well acquire something practical, something that can easily be used whenever or wherever he needed it, something that can momentarily feel like he was born in this century; a tangible connection between similar, yet very different eras.


It took a bit of motivation, and a bit of self-inflected threats to finally, 'finally' tug himself out of the massive cocoon that surrounded him and be able to move through this--he shields his eyes slightly as he glares down the open view--hotel room, and settle for whatever looked good on the overly ostentatious, embroided-said menu that contained a variety of pastries (in artful and visually pleasing assortments), and dishes (whose names appeared to be more on the French side, than the English) in small, decent portioning that costs more than what is provided, thick stacks of laminated pages, blaring at him from where it lay flatly on top the freshly crafted mid-length wooden oak drawer right by the side where Harry had slept just moments ago.

Really, he's not one to be too overly picky as to what type of food he'll consume (since being a vampire had dulled his human senses to be able to appreciate anything other than blood), just that it would have to be presented, preferably, on freshly cleaned china (he'd rather not appear like something as low and as degrading as mongrel every chance he gets--thank you very much).


Within ten minutes time, he hears the sound of a knock echo along the narrows halls and crevices of his said room, just as he is about to pull down his trousers to remove all the sticky, disgusting gunk of what looks to be dirt smeared with dry heaps of blood, smothered along his body in mostly his jumper-clad torso, and some faint, healed gashes where she scratched at his back as he plunges himself into her multiple times, just as she is about to reach her climax, right on time as he sinks his teeth right at her jugular, to have her scream in absolute ecstasy, spurting from where she lay, and boneless, and pliant within seconds that he pulled out.

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