{Red - 14.1}

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So, um, hi...? Here's a bit of a thing I wanted to insert in the previous chapter, but was stuck all those month ago. I'm sorry that it's a short chapter than my usual 5k, but I hope you enjoy? :)

- H .xx


Harry's consciousness kept drifting in and out of focus.

He felt hungry.

He felt parched.

His throat burned with the need to sooth the ache, and yet he still couldn't get himself to go to the nearest pub, and pull the nearest source of meal by his enticing allure like he had done with that putrid, and overall desperate scum who ignorantly favoured the lifestyle he would rather much have buried along with his corpse all those years ago.

There were different shades of colours that equated to different scents, different aromas, an overall smorgasbord of ambrosia, just awaiting to be plucked from where they are situated, tempting Harry with a different whiff whenever the wind had caressed them in different angles.

What's horrifying, however, was that the pull hadn't been as strong as what he had expected. No longer had he found most scents appealing (or not as appealing), but rather a buffet with sumptuous, artery-clogging meals that are available, with layers to which they exude salts, peppers, and sometime oregano - no complexity, with very little to no appeal.

The typical problems of a vampyre, mind you.

It was around the night time (he's not exactly sure when, and he simply refused to rely on the blasted iPhone he's recently purchased) that Harry decided he's had enough of this day's quest, and once again hide away into a location that did not include 'him', because 'he' has always ruined any plans of Harry's that caused some sort of amusement that would've lasted him about a week. The utter ninny. Why Harry hadn't killed him yet, remains a mystery to the bloke.

  He was just about trudging his last remaining steps to a motel until a specific scent had wafted towards his nose. At first it had been subtle, like an earthy scent, more of a perfume than anything he had ever smelt. But then that wasn't what had caught Harry's attention, for the earthy smell had undertones of tangy yet sweet pastries of high quality, bathed with something unidentifiable, yet no less appealing.

Harry's mouth began to water.

His nose began following the direction of the scent trail, but with very little luck.

He's sure that there had been some sort of distance, but he's not very well a full-born bloodhound picking up a scent. There are quite a few intricacies when it came to vampires, and being able to track their prey serves to be a hindrance due to the length of time it takes with pinning their location to one place.

He's running now, judging by the stride, and leap from his feat. Whatever it was, Harry must've recognized it from somewhere, because locating it became something of second nature due to his ability to be able to pin point the exact distance, and in which direction just by being solely focused on it, and nothing else.

He's getting closer now. The scent more prominent than anything he's ever known. 

"Haaaaaaaahhhh" his breath fogs through the night as his tongue teases at the air, nips at his taste buds. Not too long now, he muses to himself.

Another left turn, and the scent hits nose like a freight train. Due to his night vision, it didn't take long for Harry to be able to pick his target from the crowd. He chuckles in amusement as he waltzes slowly into the snow-covered road, dancing along the wind.

The brunette still looked the same as Harry had seen him all those months ago. Still short, still sun-kissed, with just a hint of a darker bronze that fairs along his cheekbones. Those pink, almost velvet-like thin lips that shaped around every word in a delicate slur of his accent. He was looking down before he caught sight of Harry.

And nothing screams welcome than smiling with his pearly whites, as he leapt for his meal.


Thoughts? :)

Irresistible, [boy x boy AU]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن