{Dream - 8}

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Note: Warning this chapter feels unsatifying for me, but it was long over due, so here you go, I guess. Please don't scold me for late updates cause it's not really going to do anything but simply pinch me in the gut with pressure. I mean it's summer break, I'm supposed to be enjoying it so.. I'm really not trying to give out excuses, but my life comes first before my stories so please understand that. I'll try to update and that's the best I could do believe-it-or-not. Sorry for the people who are disappointed, but this is my future and happiness on the line. I hope you can understand, thank you for reading this and not skipping (it really means alot to me that you take the time to read this drabble.) Anyways, enjoy!


This was the first time he had felt this way. So carefree, so .. so safe that he couldn't explain the feelings he felt. Like his very emotions felt in void, like the sweet scents that filled his nose defined how he felt; just... serene.  He didn't know how to react, so all he could do was follow his gut instinct and just simply walk. He had no idea why, but the sun was out and he was sort of in a walking-mood, so whatever, right?

Slowly untangling himself from his own blankets, Louis stretched, finally feeling his stiff limbs crack, forearms re-adjusting themselves back in place. With a swing of both feet down the wooden floors, Louis aimlessly headed over the open glass doors that awaited him with sunshine glazing every outline like fine thin strands of golden strings casting some sunshine towards Louis' exposed tan skin.

"Louis, Louis come over here boo." his own mother's voice echoed along his ear.

Louis froze feeling nostalgia fill his senses. "Mum?" He calls back anxiously.

"Boo, over here, Mama's waiting for you." "Mum." Louis choked along the tears that filled his eyes.

"Mum, where are you?"

With anticipation growing by the second, Louis approaches his balcony with a smile he hasn't worn in years. He has always hated that smile, the way the corner of his eyes crinkle, his semi-canine teeth prominent. His step father Robert had told him about radiating off a surge of bright expressions, it meant that he'd stay longer under the Tomlinson household, that it didn't seem right for him to be 'too' happy. But little did Robert knew, Louis was thinking of the same thing, that the smiles he carries almost every single time was not genuine and just one of the many masks Louis had came up with before Robert even figured about Louis' sexuality.

Louis never really understood why he didn't smile as much anymore, but what could he do? 'try' to be happy? Impossible.

His smile never felt real anymore, so what was the point of it being genuine? Truth is that he'd rather have his sister smile and let him carry their burdens instead, that he'd rather suffer their pains so that they wouldn't have to ever feel the agony and remorse he felt--no, he knew what he wasn't sorry at all about coming open, the only regret he ever felt was letting his sisters suffer along with him without once being strong enough to fight back.

It was strange to think that he'd be accepted by his own family just like he had hoped, that they'll somehow accept him for who he is, who he 'truly' is, not his sexuality; Oh what a fool Louis was.

Louis' whimpers slightly as he sees his mother down by the bottom, his own father Mark awaiting right by her side with a protective arm around her waist. His four sisters Daisy, Phoebe, Fizz and Lottie smiling brightly at him, beaconing him to come over. "Louis, we're waiting." his mother chides, smiling like the thousand suns right at him. Louis couldn't believe his eyes, never has he seen his family this happy in years. "Mummy." He blubbers helplessly, reaching his arm out to her.

"Just jump boo." She says. "We'll catch you."

"We'll catch you, we'll catch you Lou Bear!" the twins squeal in delight.

Louis bites his lip, only taking a second of hesitancy before jumping down and feeling himself dip close to the flower beds that awaited beneath him only to feel white shimmering feather-like wings sprout from his back only to collapse weakly into his family's awaiting arms."Louis we love you." "Louis we're sorry." and that was the most heart-warming sentences Louis has ever heard of in years; he knew he was finally home.



Zayn sips his tea and reminiscing the familiar burn that warmed his throat. He had been keeping a close eye on the curly-haired boy for weeks and so far, all the news he had heard of was a man who he most likely didn't bother learning the name of, had died in an alleyway with the smell of genuine rust (most likely blood) lingering the air and the red liquid that functioned his body spill right out from beneath him.

There was no indication as to any sort of puncture skin or anything that can expose the existence of vampires. Surprisingly, the man's death was as simple as a snap of a neck. Zayn was confused. Usually Harry was the one to accept any blood given to him, but this one there was no tears of any skin; not anywhere in the body. In fact, the very death seemed to be just an act of human conflict. Was this really Harry's doing?

Maybe he drank the ones that came down off the man's body? Nonono, Harry wouldn't stoop that low.

Zayn was confused and he definitely didn't like that--not at all.

"Sir, do we need to take more exams on the carcass? Maybe the vampire had nothing to do with it." Sonya asked, tucking her pitch black hair behind her ears. Zayn analyzed her with his golden caramel eyes, staring at her for possible answers.

Sonya stood still knowing her boss' way of thinking, that he was merely looking blankly at her. Still, that didn't stop the shivers that threatened to creep up her spine; the kind that can kill you if you get lost within its inner pull. This was 'the' Zayn Malik after all.

Zayn blinked noticing how long he had been staring in scrutiny and waved his hand away, telling her to go ahead with that plan and that he needed to do more research. But in truth, he had already hatched a plan. It was definitely a risky one, but he had to do keep this plan going. He wanted to know if the papers were telling him the truth. Harry indeed was interesting lad, but Louis' definitely doing something to him. Zayn was interested, definitely interested.

So, with one foot followed by another, Zayn grabs his ID card, making sure to lock the door behind him. "Man, this is so much work for some real fun." he sighs, scratching the back of his head.

"Zayn, hey Zayn!!!"

He blinks slowly, looking over his shoulders curiously. Who was this guy again? Dexter? Kevin? He seriously couldn't remember. "Oh, it's you, what's up?" The lad smiled and shrugged. "Just bored and came to say hi while I'm at your sector you know?" Zayn patted the boy's shoulder chuckling. "Well alright. I'll see ya then." "Alright, bye Zayn. Don't keep me under the dark the whole time, Kay?" Zayn snorts, waving the boy off with a small smile. "You know it." Zayn promises, feeling the lie slip out of his mouth as silky as butter.

Zayn scans along the room. "Z204.. Z204.. Ah, here he is." Zayn smiles excitedly. With a smooth slide of a card, the doors slide open and he quickly meets with familiar crimson red eyes.


Zayn waves with a smile. The vampire blinks at him and snorts, looking away and walking to the furthest corner of the room. Zayn sighs. "M'not gonna hurt you, you know." The vampire still looked warily at the scientist. "Aw, don't look at me like that. Just want to make a proposition with you, will you listen?" Red-eyes nods.

"Would you like to see Louis again?" The boy widens his eyes. "Lou.. Louis?" Zayn chuckles. "Yeah, your best friend, you remember him?" The vampire nods. "Then how's about we sit down for a cup of tea and talk about it, hmm?" Red-eyes blinks and wrinkles his nose in disgust. "Never really liked tea, you know that." Zayn rolls his eyes. "How's about you pick hmm? Is that better?" The vampire's eyes glittered excitedly. "Then you may lead my good man."

Zayn rolls his eyes but plays along, holding the door out for the lad to depart from. "Wow." The boy blinks. "You weren't playing me." Zayn chuckles. "Of course not. I always stay true to my word." And they were both gone for whatever the vampire wanted with not a trace of any security guards to stop them.

Who could that vampire be?

Moreover, how does he know Louis?

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