{Encounter - 2}

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{Encounter - 2}

Louis couldn't help but hold a gasp within his throat. He could barely make an image of Harry from the dark, but he somehow knew that this boy was too beautiful to be human. Even without windows, the barely-conscious boy could make out the clear detail in the boy's eyes. At this moment, Louis decided that his favorite gem stone was an amethyst.


Harry never said a word to the boy, and just remained totally still analyzing Louis with such loathing in his eyes. Who does this boy think he is to command Harry like that?! The information just circulated around Harry's mind like a tornado. This boy was the first to have come willingly for jail execution (that part was supposed to be a secret). Though, the very thought of this boy was a hazard to society, so he needed to kill the stranger that was laid out for him. "Harry." the boy beamed at Harry as if he was already anticipating his own death the moment Harry chose to reveal himself to the boy, who shortly now will meet his own demise. The very idea excited the boy, and he wasn't exactly sure why.


Louis beamed to the best of his ability. He was definitely scared to death internally, but he needed to do this. He wanted to at least do something right for once, even if it is the most selfish thing he has ever done. He knew was lying to himself if he claimed that nobody will care if Louis disappeared, but he somehow knew someone at least from his family cared, even if it's the tiniest of all crumbs, Louis could settle with that.

This boy Harry did not go any closer than the proximity Louis saw him in, and he wasn't sure of this guy's deal. Wasn't this where he was supposed to see the end of his suffering? So why? It didn't make any sense to Louis' mind at all.. But then again, the fact that the media told the complete and utter truth for the first time was a complete surprise to the boy.


Harry couldn't help but laugh at the boy who simply laid on the ground. This was one of the many acts a vampire can do in order to hunt for their prey; emit an unrecognizable scent that will slowly paralyze the victim on it's tracks without their knowing -- it worked fabulously. The boy remained as still as Harry was for the moment, and the silence was starting to bore the Harry.

He wanted the thrill. He wanted to see the fear in the boy's eyes instead of the emptiness he saw now; he wanted him to look death in the eye with pure and utter fear before Harry ended it all. This was Harry's specialty; He liked playing with his food.. He's done it tons of times, so how was this one so different?


What was this boy doing just standing there? Louis thought as he felt himself drifting again. Nostalgia filled his senses once more, and he no longer felt weak, and he's pretty sure that he's regained full control of his body. So, slowly and carefully he got up and stretched to the best of his ability, so that he can approach the boy with the enticing eyes. Harry.  

Louis did not say a word, cause he's pretty sure it will be his last, so he started taking hesitant footsteps towards the dark. Louis had no clue where he was going, but he didn't actually have a choice to do so.. does he?


He watched as the boy got up and stretched his tensed muscles on the spot. Harry could see the clear color of his skin. The way it emitted a slight tan glow even without any sign of light in the room, and this fact fascinated him, even if this boy was about to die. 

Harry's eyes travelled along with the boy's movements; quietly fumbling within the dark to try to grasp at something.... anything at all, and Harry immediately took this cue to let the game commence.

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