What if they got a confession{Drv3}

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Rantaro Amami

-Has received many confessions from girls everywhere he goes

-Will decline them politely if they confessed to him in person

-If he got a love letter anonymously, he'll find the person who gave it to him and give them an answer

-His sisters try to match him up with people all the time and fail

-His locker is a nightmare on Valentine's day

Gonta Gokuhara

-He'll act surprised and try to find the person

-He'll act more gentlemanly to them and kind

-Even after that, he'll decline the girl if he doesn't like her

-Followed by many apologises

-Friendzones a lot of people

-But most probably, this boy doesn't know it's a confession until he adds up 2 and 2

Saihara Shuichi

-Doesn't believe that someone actually likes him

-He'll blush a lot and shutter

-If he knows who sent a love letter to him, he'll meet them somewhere in school

-He won't give an immediate or direct answer but the person gets it

-Apologies 100000000 times

-In the end of the day, the two will become friends

Ouma Kokichi

-Give this boy a love letter and panta and he'll accept it

-He'll lie that he likes you as well but quickly say the truth

-He says the harsh truth but in a way that people will accept

-"Nishishishishi~ Who knows? I am a liar after all"

-Just be friends, all we got to do, just be friends

Kaito Momota

-He'll be surprised and slightly flustered

-He got confessed by a few people in the past

-But he'll still be surprised and flustered

-He'll give them a chance and go out on one date with them

-In the end, the two will be friends, very good friends


-"What is love?"

-When he knows what that is, he'll be a blushing mess

-Shutters and hides his face

-His ahoge is flat from embarrassment

-He doesn't want to hurt them so he says no

-Plus, he's afraid the person will be insulted if others found out they are dating a robot

-But he'll be nice to you and treat you better than before

I'm sorry for not adding Korekiyo but I'm not very sure how he would react. After I do more research on him, I'll add him.

Maybe I'll do a girl version of this. Most probably.


Admin Saihara / Bold 🎐

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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