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ye boi draw to adopt

- jaybite- demigirl; she/her, they/them- jay- for blue-grey coat, -bite for her sass and sarcasm- blue fur w low white spotting & amber eyes- white muzzle, paws, chest- much sarcasm- much intelligence - witty comebacks galore- shadowclan

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- jaybite
- demigirl; she/her, they/them
- jay- for blue-grey coat, -bite for her sass and sarcasm
- blue fur w low white spotting & amber eyes- white muzzle, paws, chest
- much sarcasm
- much intelligence
- witty comebacks galore
- shadowclan

so if you want this lil lady
just comment that you're entering, draw her, and tag me in your entry
deadline to submit is 30th july.

btw, if you win, you get to use all the other entries. technically at that point they're all drawings of your OC. just don't tell people you drew them lmao

[OLD] ❝ wilting ❞ | art 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora