He loosened up and looked down for a moment, his eyes on the mask moving to a more closed appearance before he looked up and his eyes went back to normal.

Spider-Man: Sorry, just angry... Adam and I have things to settle and I'm not letting him get away with this again. Not this time.

Blake: What did he do to you?

Spider-Man: He killed most of my family, all I have left is my Aunt.

Blake: That's horrible! Well... come with me, I'll take you to him. But it has to look like we fought and I won. You have to appear as my prisoner. He may have eyes here too, so we need to fight before we go to him.

Spider-Man: Sure, I'll go easy, but not too easy. Make sure you can beat me. 

We got into fighting stances, He crouched down while I put my hand on the whip I got for the role of Black Cat. He rushed at me and I made him case me as we ran along the rooftops towards the docks, him swinging and me running.

When we got to the docks, I noticed that his suit had gone back to red and blue. He shot himself at me using his webs to try and throw me off balance, but I jumped up and when he jumped up at me, I kicked at him and hit him into the ground. However, I used way too much force.

Blake: S-Spider-Man?

I thought I beat him, but suddenly he shot out of the dust and shot me into a building. I got a quick look at him before he hit me and it made my heart sink. He was at least 3 times as big, purple, inhumanly buff, and to top it all off, he had jaws with a long tongue. 

I got up and looked at the hole I made in the building. I saw him walk through and let out a low growl. It wasn't Spider-Man anymore. It was Venom.

 It was Venom

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Venom: We. Are. VENOM!

Blake: S-Spider-Man? H-hey, get it together. We had a p-plan, remember?

Venom: Plan... We remember... I remember now. Sorry

He turned back and collapsed in front of me. I got up and brushed off the pain. I picked him up and tied him up to make it as convincing as possible. Although, I knew if he wanted to, he could break those bonds anytime. But Adam didn't need to know that.

I gave Adam a call and told him I had his 'prize' and for him to send a transport. When it showed up, I was surprised to see Adam with my family on board.

Adam: Well done, you did well. Quick as usual.

Blake: I got you what you wanted, now give me my parents!

Adam: Very well. As promised, not a hair touched.

He gave me my parents and I untied them, though they stayed close. 

Spider-Man: Adam. Adam. Adam. Adam!

Adam looked down at Spider-Man and his expression quickly changed from smug to terrified. Spider-Man was turning into that monster from before, and he was making it as horrifying as possible to witness. Adam backed up as Spider-Man, who was now Venom, broke the bonds without effort. He stood up and towered over Adam as he opened his jaws and let out a blood curdling screech.

Adam: W-what is this thing!? That's not Spider-Man!

Venom: No... We are, Venom! And we have been looking forward to thissss.

Venom reached his arm for Adam and even though he was out of normal reach, the arm stretched and grabbed him. He pulled him towards him and held him to his face, his tongue reaching out and making unnatural, unnerving movements, before he smashed him into the ground.

Venom: We're gonna kill you you bastard!

(Get's a little graphic here. Sorry.)

Then, Venom did something that I never thought he would. He extended his claw and thrust them into Adam's stomach. Then he ripped them out of Adam and sent blood everywhere. He brought him up and pinned him to the wall with tendrils that came out of different parts of his body.

 He pinned him to the wall by stabbing him in several places on his body and sending the tendrils through Adam and into the wall behind him. After that, he just beat Adam senselessly until he could barely keep his head up. Then, he dropped him and cooled down a bit, returning to his normal stature and colour. 

Spider-Man: I'd kill you right now... but I won't stoop so low. So I'll throw you in the forest and let the Beowolves have at you.

Timeskip - Beacon


It's done... Adam's gone. Now I can rest easy. The symbiote hasn't left but I don't feel any different without the suit on. Guess Venom really isn't going anywhere. Well, better start learning to control him.


Hey! Thanks for reading! I finally did it! Updated and now I feel a little more at ease. Lots of work to do, so I can't update as quickly as I'd like. Anyways, I have an idea for a Christmas special. Gonna do a nice little Ice Dragon Slayer x Weiss story during my winter break. I'll be updating all my other stories until then. When the time comes, I'm putting all my efforts into the new story. So look forward to it! Signing off!

- Iain

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