Chapter 2

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Lance woke up to his alarm clock as usual. He stretched and put his glasses on. He quickly got dressed and grabbed his bag. He went into the kitchen and made some breakfast for Allura and him.

Allura came downstairs right as he finished putting the eggs and toast on her plate.

She smiled, "Thank you Lance." She sat down and ate her food with Lance.

Lance's eyes flickered to the clock, "Oh quiznack, I'm gonna be late!" He jumped up and swung his bag over his shoulder, "Oh and remember, I'm tutoring Keith after school so I probably wont be home til late."

Allura smiled, "Have a good day, I love you."

"You too!" He yelled over his shoulder as he booked it (unintentional nerd pun ;) ) to school. He got to class right before the bell rang and sat between Hunk and Pidge, his two best (and only) friends. But he couldn't ask for better people in his life. He loved them with all his heart.

"You're late." Pidge raised an eyebrow at her friend while Hunk nodded in agreement.

Lance shrugged, "I made breakfast."

The other two nodded and they went silent as the teacher walked in and class began. Lance, Pidge, and Hunk were the three smartest kids in school. They weren't stuck up and they were actually pretty funny but because they were smart, people automatically assumed they sucked. They could care less though. They had eachother and they were fine with that.

Class ended and they gathered their stuff.

"So you two wanna come to my place after school?" Pidge asked.

"Sorry I can't, I'm tutoring." Lance gave her an apologetic look.

"Fine. Hunk is better company any way."

"You wound me." He placed a dramatic hand over his forehead as he grinned. Hunk giggled.

Pidge snorted, crawling onto his back as she usually did. The little gremlin loved riding on Lance's back. Lance became so used to it that he barely acknowledged it anymore. Lance wasn't strong but Pidge was small enough he could carry her with ease.

The three left and began walking to their next class.

"So who are you tutoring anyway?" Hunk asked curiously.

"Uhm.. Keith." He answered slowly.

"Keith? As in Keith fucking Kogane?!" Pidge whisper yelled.

"Oh my god. Lance is going to get murdered." Cried Hunk.

"I am not going to get murdered. Chill." Lance rolled his eyes.

Pidge got off of Lance as they turned the corner to their destination.

Hunk stopped them, "Are you sure it's ok for you to be hanging out with Keith?"

"Yeah, he's kind of... bad news." Added Pidge.

Lance groaned, "He's NOT bad news!" He yelled.

Hunk and Pidge gave him a surprised look at his outburst.

"He-He's... sweet." Lance finished softly. Blushing as he looked away from his friends.

Pidge sighed and shrugged, "Whatever you say dude. Don't come running to me when you're six feet under."

"Oh my god. He's not going to kill me." Lance said as he followed his friends into the classroom.

Little did he know that a certain punk was hiding behind the corner. He blushed and bit his lip, a smile gracing his features. He had heard everything.

Punk!Keith/Nerd!Lance Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now