"Thanks, let's go put her somewhere" I sigh

I pick the gun up and he puts his gloves on, we carry her to a nearby alley and I place the gun in her hand to make it look like a suicide.

I limp to his car and recline the seat all the way back, he gets in and looks over at me.

"So what type of shit was that?" He asks

I tell him everything that happened and he shakes his head.

"Damn nigga, it's like that?" He laughs

"Fuck you!" I say

"Anyway grouchy squidward, where you headed?" He asks

"Home, Normani's meeting me there" I say

I rub my side and he smirks at me.

"Oh really? How's it been sailing the seven seas?" He asks

"Oh man, amazing! She's amazing!" I smile

"You look on cloud nine" He says

"Do I?" I chuckle

"Mhmm, you in love Michelle?"

"It's been too many governments being thrown around"


"I'm not but...it's happening, I one hundred percent feel myself falling"

He reaches over and nudges my shoulder.

"I catch you later dreamlover" He says

"Ha" I say sarcastically

We do our handshake and I hop out, literally. I enter the house and hunch over while groaning, I limp into the bathroom and remove my clothes. I take a quick shower then put on a pair of black boxers, I grab a few things and start cleaning the cut out. When I'm done I go into my room to finish getting dressed, I manage to get on a grey sports bra and blue shorts when I hear the doorbell ring. A slight smile spreads across my face when I answer the door, Normani looks me up and down and wiggles her finger around.

"You look horrible" She says

"I feel horrible" I say

She frowns her face and reaches to touch my side, causing me to close my eyes to silence the pain.

"Why are you always hurt? What happened?" She asks, grabbing my hand

I hiss a little when some of my body weight goes on my leg, she turns to face me then picks me up bridal style.

"And you're limping and hissing" She says

She walks into the bedroom and lies me on my back, she leaves out for a few seconds and comes back with a small bag of ice. She straddles me and places the bag on my side. Her eyebrow raises, basically asking again.

"Aight so I get off the phone with you and I'm bum rushed against a building, catches me off guard and bitch knees me in my side and runs a dagger up my leg. Now you know those shits sharp so it cut through my jeans and cut my leg up. I catch myself and we start fighting, she pulls a gun out and starts talking bout how she works for this guy that's not too fond of my boss and that I killed her brother. I knew she was scared though so I taunt her a lil, she wasn't with the shits. Bryson comes in, I give him a look and Pew! Pew!" I say

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