Chapter 3

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A/N   Awww shit, My internet went out for 2 days so I couldn't even finish the chapter. (I write everything On Wattpad and then copy/paste to here.) Super angry and sorry. On a better note. Seriously if you guys have a problem with my writing, tell me. I want the criticism. Also, this is not a Peter/Tony story. The & in the tags meant friendship. 

The glass door leading into the Avengers family room whirred open. Tony strutted into the room. 

"Hey, look who's finally back." Clint plopped down on the couch. Bruce and Natasha glanced up at him from their stools at the breakfast bar. Tony looked around the room. 

"Where's Capsicle?" Tony grabbed a bag of dried blueberries off the counter. He sat down next to Clint.

"Fury dragged him off for some briefing, said it was a mission just for him." Natasha answered.

"Well that's too bad, he won't get to hear about who I met just a few minutes ago." He propped his feet up on the coffee table and popped a few blueberries into his mouth. He noticed everyone was looking at him. 

"Spider-Man." He grinned. Everyone's eyes widened.

"Spider-Man. The guy who shoots webs and dresses up in red tights?" Clint sat up. "He seems pretty cool." 

"He's a vigilante." Natasha informed. 

"Is that such a bad thing? Someone's gotta fight for the little guys." Bruce wrung his hands. Tony nodded.

"God knows we don't. Look, for the past 8 months, this guy's been uprooting most petty crime, saving people from burning buildings." Everyone nodded in agreement. Even Natasha.

"We go out, we take care of the big world ending stuff. But he's down there every night, getting his hands dirty. He's earned my respect." Tony assured.

"I second that." Bruce chimed in. 

"Aye." Clint raised a fist in the air. Then crossed his arms and continued staring at the tv.

"Nat?"  Everyone waited.

"Hey, until I meet him, and he proves himself, I'm not trusting the букашка." Natasha answered, defending her point.

"Fair enough." Tony nodded, he then turned to Bruce.

"And get this, he built those handy dandy little web shooters himself." Tony nodded while he ate another handful of blueberries. Bruce's eyes widened.

"I always thought they were organic. But if it's a device, that would take a hell of alot of mechanical and chemical knowledge." Bruce was deep in thought.

"No kidding." Tony scoffed.

"What else did he say?" Natasha pressed.

"Not much, he just seemed pretty nervous." Tony picked up a magazine sitting next to his feet. He flipped through it before throwing it back down in disapproval. 

"Maybe you intimidated him." Clint smirked.

"Me? Intimidate Spider-Man?" Tony looked fake offended. "Hmm." He shrugged. 

Natasha looked particularly unimpressed. She had every reason to be wary. Everyone did. But, she had to admit, all the Avengers started somewhere, and the famous Spider-Man was no exception. She came back to reality and Bruce and Tony were in a heated disagreement over the substances used to make the webbing.

"It would have to be enzyme based." Bruce explained.

"Not necessarily." Tony thought. "It would more than likely be fiber based."

"A self replicating Polymer?" Bruce scrunched his eyebrows. He gave a hum, thinking the idea over.

"More plausible that it would expand, not multiply." 

"Then you're talking extreme tensile strength."

"We've seen what he can do, the web looks pretty flexible, but tough." Bruce agreed with Tony, nodding his head. 

"Clint, what do you think?" They turned to the archer. He gave a sigh.

"What I really think is." They subconsciously leaned in closer. "You two nerds need to get a room." Clint chuckled. The two scientists shook their head.

"Care to test the theory? Dr. Banner? And let's say." He trailed off, thinking of a good card to put on the table. "The one who gets closest to original, doesn't have to buy everyone a pizza." 

"Fine, okay, why not?" Bruce shrugged. The pair walked over to the elevator. 

"You're on." Tony gave a competitive wink.

A few hours later, they emerged. Bruce victorious, and Tony muttering. "Damn stretch test was fixed." Under his breath.

They laughed and ate, clint insisted in pineapple pizza, which Tony insisted was a crime against humanity. Natasha rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe the dorks. After dinner, everyone went to bed. Tony actually felt he was going to sleep soundly tonight.

"Sir, before you sleep, remember you are speaking at Midtown High tomorrow." J.A.R.V.I.S said.

"Yes, J.A.R.V.I.S." He pulled the sheets over and the light turned off.

A/N I love writing this story. I'm so excited to finish my first multi-chapter fic. I absolutely love Marvel and the universe they've created. I'm a huge comic nerd. hehe. Also stay smiling, my friends. <3 <3 <3

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