"Let's go on the Slingshot then." Toryn proposed.

Takashi looked at her out the corner of his eye, causing both of them to bust out laughing. "Hell nah," Takashi said. "that's the only ride I'm good on. Fuck around and fly out that bitch."

Toryn smiled, "Then what do you say we ride?"

"Yeah, I'm glad you know. It's my turn to choose the ride. So fall back..." Takashi thought about it for a minute. "The Cyclone?" He said. They basically rode most of the rides here. He wasn't a fan of The Cyclone like that; but it was kind of mandatory to ride that roller coaster when coming to Coney Island. It was one of the oldest rides in the park.

Toryn smiled. "The Cyclone it is then." She said. They quickly found the ride and got on the line. It was long as usual but went fast since roller coasters were able to fit lots of people at once. In ten minutes they were seated in the middle of the roller coaster, with Toryn squealing and fidgeting around.

Takashi chuckled, "Calm down Nervy, you feignin'. The ride is not even that crazy."

Toryn ignored him and grabbed onto his arm, still playfully squealing. After everyone was properly secured, the ride took off. At first most of the ride consisted of Toryn screaming; but later it transitioned to both Toryn and Takashi laughing at some old man who was sitting behind them that lost his glasses. They flew off his face and landed somewhere below.

He was mad as he just sat there through every wild turn and drop. Toryn didn't think it was super funny but Takashi's laughter is what was making her laugh so hard. Once they got off the ride, Takashi had to wipe tears from his eyes.

"Yo', I know he tight!" He said. One of the employees had retrieved his glasses after the ride stopped and both of the lenses were cracked. One of the legs of his glasses hanging off.

"That's not nice Taka," Toryn said as they returned on the boardwalk, shaking her head at him.

"Who told his dumb ass to keep them on his face?" He questioned.

After a few minutes of walking, Toryn's stomach started to grumble. They'd been up and down the whole day and hadn't eaten anything since morning. Toryn pouted, pushing her glasses higher up. "Food break?"

"Yeah, sure." Takashi said, grabbing her hand. "What you wanna eat?"

There was so much to choose from. Food stands were all over the place. Takashi was really in the mood for a corndog though. Toryn was in the mood for a hotdog and fries from Nathan's. They got on the line for Nathan's and Takashi patted down his pockets, pulling out a five dollar bill. "Shit," He hissed. They had spent all the money on getting tickets to go on rides.

"It's okay," Toryn said, patting her purse to show she had money.

"I don't need your lil' money girl," Takashi stated, ignoring her.

"So how are we gonna pay for food?" Toryn chuckled.

"Next in line!" The boy behind the counter yelled.

Toryn and Takashi stepped up, and Toryn unzipped her purse. "A hotdog with small fries, two corndogs and one small and medium Sprite." She said.

The whole meal came up to twenty two dollars and Toryn pulled out thirty dollars. She received her change and placed it in her purse while they waited ten minutes before finally getting their food. They walked off and found a table on the side of the restaurant with a big umbrella over it to block them from the sun.

"Thanks Dork, remind me to give you your money back." Takashi stated, not really feeling Toryn using her working money to buy him things.

Toryn sucked her teeth and waved him off. They were best friends, he was the reason she was living in his house and they've known each other for ten years. He was crazy if he thought she would take money back from him, especially over food.

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