Chapter Eighteen

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Song above is NOVOCAINE by V4Flower, who's like, my new favourite vocaloid at the moment. ❤️ These chapters are pretty much all pre-written because of my hand, but luckily it's been feeling better! I've been able to start using my right hand again for RPing! Yay! Anyways, enjoy the chapter! ^^ Yay for eighteen! -Komaaa

P.S- trying out a different person for POV so hope you enjoy >//<

Iris's POV

Yuck, they made me sick. They were all kissy and cuddly and it was just sickening, disgusting. I shouldn't judge too harshly though, I mean, I had a crush on Ara too, but only when I was young.

Ara has to grow up at some point, he has to learn how to fight and grow on his own without me by his side. We've been best friends ever since birth, due to our parents– HIS parents. Then that stupid shit happened and it just never has been the same, even if he saved me from eternal sleep.

I still can't ever figure out why Ara would do this to himself. Permanently bind myself to his very own soul for eternity, just to save my sorry ass from dying. Ugh, he should've just let me die. What have I done so far? Oh right, constantly make him cry and beat him in the school's library. Yep, wow that's so helpful with our current problems.

Thanks, me. For making your best friend suffer just for your satisfaction while he tries to constantly keep both of us alive. I sighed, glancing around a little. I was on his couch still, but neither of them were in the room. Probably sucking each other's faces off upstairs. Freaks.

I sighed and closed my tired eyelids, feeling the drowsiness set in once again. The perks, of being separated from my life line, wonderful. I decided to just give in and close my eyes, better get as much rest as I can right? Like we'll ever be able to skip school forever...

I'm tired as fuck...

But soon, I fell asleep, without even knowing it.

And it wasn't long before I fell deep enough to dream, but this didn't feel like one. It wasn't a nightmare either, it just felt like some sort of flashback.

~ Flashback ~

A little boy held his mother and father's hands as he swung in-between them. They were heading to a park, to have a family fun picnic together of course! The little family was perfect, with no flaws whatsoever.

The boy had a perfect mother, a perfect father and a beautiful home and wealthy life. He couldn't have asked for anything else!

They remembered the park so well because of what laid in the very middle of it. A big, thick trunked tree, with branches that stretched over the entire park with weeping, green leaves.

"Mom! I want to climb it!" The little boy cried out, reaching up for the branches as he remained in-between the two parents. The mother and father exchanged looks, before softly laughing to each other.

"Ara, sweetheart... You'll get hurt if you climb that tree! You see, that tree is very very old, and very very sick. It's dying, Ara... We don't want to step all over it, do we?" The mother explained, leaning down to pick up her little baby demon in her arms, but not before giving him a big kiss and letting him go play with the other kids at the park.

The mother and father sat on the bench, smiling faintly as they watched the other children roam around carelessly on the equipment. They knew Ara was safe, the park was one of the safest places in the first few layers of Hell of course!

"Ex...cuse me? Your parents called you Ara, right?" A little purple haired boy shyly asked, shakily stepping into sight, a few steps away from Ara. His clothes were dirtied and torn, holes scattered on the messed fabric as small pieces of thread desperately tried to hold it together.

His hair was messy, ruffled and knotted, like it hadn't been brushed for a really long time. Ara felt himself turn to the smaller boy and he smiled to him, offering a cheerful nod with an extended hand.

"Yep, Ara. What's your name?" Ara asked, curiosity hitting his eyes with a faint, happy glow. The purple boy seemed a little less nervous now and he grasped his hand into his new friend's, shaking it with a weak grip.

"I'm Ir—"

I woke up without any warning, getting a small flash of a headache across my skull. I groaned and pressed a hand to my forehead, forcing myself to get my ass off the couch and to the other parts of the house. Okay, I've seriously been sleeping for too long... It's already around 8:30PM and I'm wide awake.

Geez... Thanks for waking me up.

I stumbled up the stairs quietly, yawning. I had already checked the kitchen, the dining room and the basement, calling down the steps. The only other place that they could be would have to be upstairs in one of the bedrooms, right?

I stopped at the very top step, glancing around as my nose practically went wild. I smelt something, it smelled so disgusting, like a pool of vomit mixed with rotting compost. And I knew that smell.

It was Astra blood. The disgusting smell that only seemed to bother our own kind, so that no cannibalism could ever be committed. I smelt around for a moment and the smell almost made me throw up myself, and it only seemed to be getting stronger the closer I got to the furthest bedroom door.

They're in there for sure, there's no possible way they CAN'T be.

"Are you both okay? What the fuck happened?" I asked, pushing the door open and stepping inside the room. Sure enough, they were both in there.

And while Nova slowly paced around the room in circles, I noticed Ara all wrapped up in his bed with bandages tied tightly to his exposed arm, where the sleeve had been ripped a little.

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