Chapter One

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(A/N: On my deleted account, this story was originally written in 3rd person POV. 3rd person POV to me personally is really hard to write and that's what made the old version was pretty crappy. This new version will be in 1st person POV so that I can fit in all the details and the character's thoughts and stuff. Just a heads up! ^w^ I hope when I write this, I don't accidentally leave out anything from the original book. Thank you guys so much for reading this story, it really means a lot to me! Love you guys! Bubye~)

Nova's POV

I stirred, my eyes opening for just a moment before I quickly shut them again. Hissing through my clenched teeth as I quickly threw my soft blankets over my head. Damn sun... Today was Monday, everyone's 'favourite' day of the week, joy.

I sighed after a moment, rubbing my eyes gently before throwing the blankets off of my head, they landed on the floor with a tiny sound. I threw my legs over the side of the bed, letting them dangle for a moment, thinking about something.

My name is Nova, I'm an Astra demon- the species that people say, 'devour and eat everything,' well... Only part of that is true. I do in fact eat souls like a normal demon should, but I don't 'devour everything,' only the others do, I'm... Different. I eventually had enough with living with the others, so I left behind my home, my friends, my family and I decided to start over with my life, deciding to live with the humans just like them. I wanted to be, excepted like them.

I don't actually look that different from the humans. I mean, dark black hair and bright icy blue eyes were a little rare but humans could look like it right? I thought I fitted in pretty well where I am now.

So here I am now, living in a house, acting like your average human being. Since I've been living here for a while, I've grown accustomed to the area and now 'fit in.' Everything is actually turning out pretty good so far, I've been going to High school as well and honestly, I've learned a lot since I first started.

Human history and 'Greek Mythology' is surprisingly fun to learn about, humans are just so cute and they are such curious creatures. I yawned and eventually forced myself out of my bed, my bones popping slightly as I stood up. I blinked a few times before heading to my kitchen, I didn't live with any parents because my species when they mate, the mother and father always abandon their young and take on a new life like their children never existed in the first place.

I went to the kitchen, opening the fridge and looking inside. I usually took care of myself- which in my opinion, wasn't that hard of a job to do most of the time. I had to learn at one point didn't I? It's how people survive in this world and if you don't know how to- well I'm sorry, but you're going to die out there.

I finally decided on just a plain bowl of cereal and then while eating, went to go get dressed. I don't know why, but I always end up setting my alarm too late and when I awake at that time, I have to quickly eat, get dressed and get everything ready to go to school.

Sometimes I just have to wonder why I'm so stupid. Anyways, after a few minutes of running around my house, I walked outside, locked my door and started walking in the direction of my school.


"Novi!" I heard a young female voice call- Emilee- my human 'friend.' She met me on my first day of attending the school and ever since, we've grown to be best friends. She can be annoying sometimes and sometimes a little too girly for my liking, but we are friends and we are happy to be friends.

It makes things a little less lonely around here. Back where I came from, nobody knew what 'friends' were, I had to learn what that word meant when I first arrived here.

"Hello... Em..." I said in a slightly sarcastic, bored tone. Emilee smiled and sat on a chair near my desk, swinging her legs and dragging her feet slightly against the hard floor.

Emilee looked pretty good in my opinion, even if I was a gay Astra demon- most of my kind are straight, that's why. Emilee had bright emerald green eyes, dark brown hair that had a few waves throughout it, it only went to her elbows, (mid-back length) and she was an ivory skin colour.

You'd probably never in your life, see Emilee discard a colour from her wardrobe, she had just about any colour you could imagine, any shade or style as well. Some colours even mixed in with each other to make beautiful patterns.

"Good-morning class!" The teacher finally called, standing up at the front of the class as her bright hazel eyes flickered around to everyone, a bright and happy content smile resting on her lips.

"Emilee go sit down before you get in trouble!" I hissed slightly through my teeth, looking down at a blank piece of paper that laid on my desk. I liked to draw, but I never kept any of m drawings, I usually gave them to Emilee to keep because she loved them so much.

Emilee quickly hurried back to her own desk, which was about a row or two away from mine, this weird layout the teacher put the desks in.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair, pressing the pencil to the white paper, starting to draw.

...Attending school here, was surprisingly fun, even if most didn't agree... I liked it a lot... I always feel like it can make me more accepted by the humans if I learn more about them...

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