The Story of Them (Vincent): Chapter 14

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I waited, feeling slight anger spark in me.

 "I created a protective barrier with the incantation you taught me and water blessed by the father so he could not escape. I remember you signifying the importance in that. I spoke a prayer and commanded that he arise."

"And he did."

"Yes, Vincent."

I allowed a silence to pass between us as I gazed at her. She still did not look up from the desk. Brown curls adorned her head and she stood only a few inches shorter than I.

"Judging by what you say, Cuthda is a low-rank demon...unless you are not telling me an important detail."

"There is nothing left to say."

"He did not request anything in return?"

"The purity of a young lamb was enough."

"I see."

I picked up the book and studied the cover. It was a rustic gold, with demonic writing scattered across the top.

"It is strange for Cuthda to exchange something as powerful as a spell book for a baby lamb, do you not think so?"

"Their ways are unbeknownst to mortals or to surface dwellers."

My eyes narrowed. "Alicia...are you aware of the term soul exchange?"

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing. It is unimportant." I turned away from her. " Do not expect for me to allow you to use this book."

Even though I was no longer facing her, I could feel her heated gaze on my back as her head snapped upwards in disbelief.

"And why not?" she cried.

I glanced nonchalantly at her. "Why not? I do not think you understand what you have done. Despite Cuthda being weak, he is also very dangerous. Just like any other demon."

"I used the protective barrier!"

"Do you really think that could have been enough? What if it had been broken?"

"But it was not!"

" What if? "

Alicia's face grew sullen, and she stabbed me with her eyes.

"Vincent, I am not a child anymore and you cannot treat me as such. I have been your apprentice for over half a decade and have learned many things. I cannot continue to be given such meager assignments. How do you expect me to progress as a Mage when you do not allow me to expand my power?"

"So that gives you the right to begin summoning on your own? If you had wanted to do such a thing, why not come to me?"

"I did not say anything because I knew you would not have any of it." she snapped.

"Precisely. Even I, am not adept at summoning. Whether you realize it or not, it is a very tricky process. Too many casualties can result, Alicia."

What I spoke was the truth. Summoning was an ancient practice that, more often than not, came with unpleasant consequences. It varied from demon to demon, but most of the cases the summoner was attacked, devoured, or was a victim of soul possession. Sometimes their wishes would be granted, but with backlash. Demons are often tricksters and do not follow your orders thoroughly...everything comes with a price.

"Vincent, do you fear I could surpass you?"

"...Come again?"

"Are you expressing disbelief at my question? Or the idea of me ever surpassing you in your life's work?"

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