2.4 | Twitter

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RyleeDanvers: Why is there so much hate in the world? I'm just living my life, if you don't like how I'm living it, leave

user245: PREACH!!

user39: Point me towards the haters, I'll take them on for you


RyleeDanvers: I'm done trying to fit other people's expectations. I'm going to be who I want me to be, not who other people want me to be

user92: Ignore the haters, Rylee, they're just jealous of you


 RyleeDanvers: The way I live my life does not directly effect you in any way, so why should I change how I act just because you don't like it 

user043: Someone got Rylee riled up... I kinda like it... 

user342: What happened? The haters getting to you? 


RyleeDanvers: Sorry for my mini rant, I just needed to get some information out there for those who think spamming me with their petty comments is going to change who I am 


Sierra_J: Leave my girlfriend alone. I like her just the way she is, nothing about her needs to change. If you don't like the two of us together, then you aren't a fan of me. 

user82: So glad you're standing up for your gf. You two deserve happiness together 

user823: Yell it from the rooftops, Sierra!


BlackIris: If you hate on anyone that a band member dates, you are not a fan of us. We don't spread hate with our music, we spread love. If you don't like this, then we do not need you in our fanbase  


What type of social media chapters do you guys want me to do more? (Insta, Twitter, Twitter DM, other). Also, should I do any chapters that are not social media; such as real life interactions between characters? I've noticed more people have read the beginning of this story and lost interest as the story has continued so I just wan to know what people enjoy. 

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