Chapter 26: Hunted

Start from the beginning

„I told you, your blood would be horrible for me," she retorts, folding her arms.

I feel both relieved and a bit miffed at that statement because I've got a feeling she's hiding the real reason why she doesn't want my blood. But I don't want to pursue it any further. Not when Sophie's so close to her usual grumpy tantrums.

„There must be some other way for you to consume blood without attacking anyone," I sigh in defeat.

„Well, if we had some bloodbags, it wouldn't be such a big deal," Sophie points out testily. „But I finished the last one before the ghoul bashing."

„That's it!" I exclaim excitedly. „We just need to get you some bloodbags!"

Sophie scoffs. „So do you think there's a bloodbank in this god-forsaken town?" she copies me in mock enthusiasm.

Mine deflates slightly. She's got a point. I'm not sure this place has one. Again, I reflect with great annoyance that's something we could have checked out with our phones. „What about hospitals? Clinics?" I ask, reaching for the last straw like a drowning man. „They must have some available for emergencies."

Sophie considers it. „They might," she mutters, her face suddenly appearing lighter and much more amused. „But are you telling me you're willing to break into a hospital and steal some blood?"

I tense up. I don't like breaking rules. Breaking them means someone gets mad at me and I start biting my fingertips till they bleed. But then again, I've been breaking so many rules these past days, I'm utterly surprised I still have fingers. Maybe I'm not triggered because there's no one here exactly opposing the rule-breaking?

I look directly at Sophie. „If it will stop you from hurting anyone, then yes."

Sophie grins widely, which would have been pretty cool if isn't for the sharp fangs protruding from her mouth. „Great," she says, rubbing her hands together in real enthusiasm. „Then let's get cranking!"


Despite the ongoing threat of getting caught by other vampires, Sophie agrees to the plan we had come up with together, with much excitement. I can't say I''m too excited for it; I'm supposed to walk into the hospital, telling everyone I had been attacked. They wouldn't have a hard time believing me since I'm still sporting the black eye and bruised lip. Sophie even suggested adding more injuries but I firmly objected. While I'm being checked, Sophie is going to the room where they keep the blood and steal some.

„And you can't hurt anyone, remember?" I remind her for the third time as we stand on each side of the bed, changing into new clothes.

Sophie scowls, rolling her eyes. „Whatever," she grunts before pulling on a dark purple hoodie that she took from my wardrobe.

I frown. I don't know if I can get her to promise to leave people unscathed but since she has demonstrated her stealth around me once, I can only hope that no one will catch her in the act.

I'm about to fix my hair when Sophie grabs my wrist, shaking her head. „Leave it as it is," she says, grinning. „It'll make the lie of being attacked more convincing if your hair is all messy and ruffled."

Now it's my turn to scowl. I almost want to point out that I did get attacked but refrain from doing so. So the more pathetic I look, the better? Well, it's all for the greater good, I think to myself, sighing and avoiding alltogether to look at my reflection in the mirror.

As much as I would like to forget, the events that unfurled in the past days keep popping up in my mind. Especially that one comment that she had said to me.

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