A Fellow Believer

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Anastasia woke very late that morning. It didn't help that her family had overslept as well. After rushing through breakfast and her morning shower (she accidentally used shampoo instead of soap, but who would know?), she threw on a beautiful white top, complete with laced flowers and a black skirt with white flowers (outfit 1).

Before any word could be said to her parents, she was out the door and on her way to school. Arriving just as the first bell rang, Zoe chided her teasingly.

"Someone's cutting it close," she teased,  as the two took their seats.

"I was doing some research....,"

Her thought became incomplete as Amadeus walked through the front door. Senses on high alert, she watched carefully as he sat down, hoodie pulled so far over his face, his eyes were invisible.

"Ana. Ana! Stop staring!"

The whole class was now staring at Anastasia and in response to the unwanted attention, she reddened and she glared at her best friend.



The poor girl sank into her seat and remained silent the whole class. As the two girls stood by their lockers, Amadeus passed and a single brown hair could be seen on his hoodie.

"Do you have a pet?"

The boy looked around before pointing at himself and doubling back to where the duo stood.

"Yeah, a dog. Her name's Nyx,"

"Oh, how sweet!" Zoe gushed.

"Right, sweet,"

Amadeus walked away and the moment he was out of their line of sight, Zoe went off on a boy-crazed tangent.

"He's so handsome....An animal lover......brooding.........,"

The words flew over Anastasia's head as she was lost in thought. Her memory matched the hair on the hoodie to the one that had been found on the horse's wound. With the gears in her head clocking so quickly her head was spinning, she craved more information. She had uncovered the first piece of a huge, complicated puzzle.

"Anastasia! Are you listening to me? You keep zoning out on me! Am I not interesting enough?"

Anastasia dragged her best friend into the nearby janitor's closet. Shutting the door only after checking that no one had seen them, she motioned Zoe nearer.

"Anastasia, what is this about?" Zoe inquired. "If you like Amadeus, calm down. I won't say anything."

"Be quiet!" she scolded.

The paranoid female peeped through the slits of the door. Everyone was drifting toward their lockers or speaking with someone they knew.

"I have a theory. One that explains all the weird stuff that's been going on,"

"What weird stuff? The horses getting sick isn't all that strange!"

"Remember, last week in English class......,"


Class had just stared and all was normal. The teacher was teaching, most teenagers weren't listening and the soft murmur of the few studious filled the room. Anastasia was seated next to Amadeus,but no conversation ensued. The conclusion had been drawn that Amadeus was a very quiet person.

Anastasia had been called up to front to explain something and was tripped by a book that someone had carelessly left on the ground. She was suddenly on collision course with the floor. 

The lights suddenly went out, casting the room into utter darkness. A few screams passed through the lips of the frightened students. Anastasia realized that she was no longer falling. In fact, she felt two strong arms wrapped around her. In the darkness, two glowing golden eyes stared into her own. A moment passed and everything happened in an instant.

The eyes vanished into thin air, the lights were on once again and Anastasia was right next to the teacher, at the front of the class. As everyone was so restless, class was dismissed early.

*End of Flashback*

"Okay, I admit that was strange, but I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation. You should be the one telling me this,"

Anastasia lowered her voice to a whisper.

"Trust me, something is not right, and it all happened after Amadeus and his family moved in,"

Zoe, upon seeing the look in Anastasia's eyes, became worried.

"What do you mean?"

Concern was welling in her eyes and laced into her speech. Anastasia whispered her theory into her best friend's ear.

"I know you think it's crazy, but..."

"I really don't. It does explain a lot and it seems like you did your research. I've thought about it very often recently ,but thought that it was absurd and you'd think I was crazy,"

A sigh of relief broke the silence that had been cast onto the two girls.

"Thank you for believing me,"

"Thanks for thinking what I did,"

Anastasia's face then shifted into the most serious that she had ever formed in her life. That expression was reciprocated by Zoe. Their eyes met and a single thought was wordlessly passed between them. They exited the janitor's closet in search of their target.

They were going to receive answers. Answers that were better left unheard by human ears.

(Thank you to all of my loyal readers. I hope that this was to your liking. It was interesting for me to write and I hope it will be the same for you to read. I actually came across this idea and thought it would be over soon, but I myself am getting into the story. I love Anastasia and how her story will progress. As I have already said that this is an interactive story, I will provide you will four options for the next chapter and will influence the story more.

Scenario: Anastasia and Zoe trail Amadeus all day into the evening ,but where do they find their next clue? Should it be:

a)in his locker

b)in the cafeteria

c)outside the principal's office

d)the grounds behind school

It's your choice. Whichever you choose won't immediately end the story because there is a clue, some greater than others. I hope you like the interaction and please tell your friends about this story. My goal is to reach 200 reads by the end of summer. The next chapter will be posted either tomorrow or Sunday. I love all of you Wattpaders.)

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