02 - Forest Of Memories [1]

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"Morning Skai Prisa"
Said madi.
Snapping my thoughts back to earth.

"Morning. To you too. Why so early?"

"Its not early clarke. We just finished lunch. But lucky for you. I'm kind enough to bring you some"
She joked

"After lunch!"
I was caught surprised.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have stayed up late. Yeah. The while village know you had your fun time. But who's the lucky girl?"
She teased

"Girl?... how you know it's a female?!"
I questioned.

"Well. Lexa was the screamer. And your the top. So I know you had a girl because she screamed pretty loud"
Madi pointed out.

Wow. I didn't know we were so loud.
Oh well.

"So. No one knows who I was with?"
I asked.

"Nope. All we know is that the sounds came from your house."
She laughed

"Don't tell anyone but.... It was Riley"
I said

She ended up spitting out her drink.
She scream eyes wide open.

I grabbed her before she yells anything out louder
"Shhh!.... stay quite. No one can know"

"I knew she liked you. But I didn't know you loeod her back...."
Madi punched my arm.

"I dont. I just.."
I began saying only to stop.
Wondering what was Riley to me.

What is she to me?...
I mean I don't love her.
She's like a friend.
But why did i sleep with her?!

"Your thinking too hard again. Clarke.
You slept with her because you miss Niylah!"
Madi teased again.

She's half correct.
But wrong.

"Not Niylah"
I whispered.

"Lexa again?"
She asked.
She knew I've been off lately

"I gotta tell you something. I have these dreams. But for some reason this one is different. It felt real. So real that I'm disappointed I woke up"
I said turning to face the window.

"Okay. I'm listening"
She said grabbing my hands.

Madi has been there for me ever since I found her when she was a little kid dropped in snow. Her mother parents died keeping her warm.

"I dreamed of lexa. Before she died. She told me to not be afraid. And back in the City Of Light she told me that she'll always be with me. And now. I get a dream of her telling me she's home. That she's finally home. It's not making any sense"
I said as I began to tear up.

"Oh, clarke."
Madi sat me on the edge of the bed. she wiped my tears away
"Maybe she's sending you a sign."

"What sign?... I don't understand why she's just now giving me this me this dream after almost 6 years. Since the world ended. Again!"
I'm freaking out over a dream.

"Today you and I are supposed to go with the hunters to TonDC forest. Isn't that where lexa from?"
Madi said.

She's right.
Lexa is front he same forest we'll be hunting.
But she said she's home. But she's dead. I saw her die.

"Maybe. I miss her so much madi"
I Said but she could hear sadness in my voice.

"I know. Clarke. But to me the saddest  thing is hearing your voice crack when you Have tears rolling down your face. You don't deserve any of this pain."
She said while keeping me in her arms.

After I ate my lunch we drove to lexas favorite part if the roest. It still reminded me of how excited she was showing me it. I remember the river she used to take me after a long day of work. And she was shocked when I gave her folowers. She wasn't the flower type of girl. More like a candles and her war paint made her look like a deadly-hot raccoon.

I drew her as a raccoon. Like the once I used to read back on the ark.
It was adorable. I even added her outfit and sword.

"Lay low!"
I said

We slowly walked into the woods.
2 guards are with madi and i.
And the other hunters went their on separate ways.

Said a soft voice
I turned left and no was was there.

Said the voice again
I turned right and still no one.

"Clarke....you alright?"
Says madi. She's on the ground hidding from a dear.

I bent down next to hear.
But I scanned the surrounding.
Still. No one to be found.
No movents, nothing.

Madi then shot her arrow.
The only sound I heared was the poor animal falling onto the hard cold ground. As it's life slowly faded.

"I'm home"
I heared lexas soften voice said.

"Did you here that?"
I asked madi and the guards near by

"What is it Clarke?"
Asked madi.
Concern was written all over her face.
She hasn't seem me this lost in years.

As I scan once more.
A moment was found about 3 trees away.
"Come out slowly or I we will shoot!"
I yelled

"Alright. Don't shoot. My girlfriend is hurt and we just need help. Please"
Said the lady who slowly reveled herself arms up in the air.

".... But you your dead!?"
I said.

How can she be standing in front of me when she died years ago!?
My heart is breaking in confusion.
Is she actually standing in front of me?! Am I seeing things?!

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♡From The Ashes We Will Rise♡
♡Chapter 2♡
♡Forest Of Memories [1]♡
♡Clarke's POV♡
♡work count : 1506♡

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