The Power Of Love and Affection

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"G -Greninja......." I weakly said. Greninja looked at me and nodded. "Ninja." He pleaded as he panted hardly. The rain started getting harder, the thunder was getting louder and the winds grew strong. Greninja held me tightly. All of a sudden a big thunder struck a tree. Greninja quickly got away. "Gre. Greninja?" Greninja asked me. "Yeah I'm fine." I assured him. Greninja kept on going. No matter how tough it was to get there, he wouldn't let his trainer die. "Greninja save yourself!" I exclaimed to him. "Nin!" Greninja refused. "Greninja you can't push yourself like this!! Go on without me!" I pleaded. Greninja kept on refusing and kept on going. "Nin! Greninja, ja!" He exclaimed to me as in 'No! I love you!'
My eyes watered and blushed lightly. In two hours we arrived. "Ninja! Ninja!" Greninja knocked hardly on the door. A nurse quickly opened the door and gasped as she looked at me with a bloody state. "We'll take care of her right away! Follow me!" She exclaimed as Greninja followed her. "Here put her here." The nurse told Greninja as he layed her on the bed. "Ninja......greninja." Greninja assured me as he gave me a small kiss on my cheek. I blushed lightly. "I love you too Greninja..........but it's more then just a friend..........but as a lover....." I confessed as I blushed deeply. Greninja hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead. "Grenin ninja?" Greninja worriedly asked the nurse. "Don't worry we'll do what we can to save her. We never give up." The nurse assured the brave ninja. "Ninja." Greninja replied and bowed as he were ready for battle. Greninja then walked to the waiting room. Greninja looked at a flower vase. The flowers really reminded of his trainer's radiant beauty. Greninja then picks up a flower and looks at it as he slyly smiled. Greninja then remembered how when he was a Froakie, he picked so many flowers for her. He would get to many. But of coarse in response she would laugh and give him a great big hug. Greninja smiled at that precious memory. "Nurse we're losing her!!" A male nurse exclaimed to the nurse. Greninja quickly overheard and ran to the glass window. My heart had stopped. "GRENINJA! NINJA!! GREN!!" Greninja screamed loudly as he banged his fists against the window hardly to hang in there. In a few minutes my heart started beating again. Greninja then stopped and calmed down. He looked at my face and smiled slyly. "Greninja.....grenin. Ninja ja." Which meant 'Thank you for not leaving me' He then pressed his hands against the glass window and stared at me.
Two of the nurses came out of the room and walked towards Greninja. "Nin?" He asked. "I am pleased to inform you that she is now better. But there might be a slight chance that this may happen again." The first nurse with black hair exclaimed. "So we were wondering if you could take care of her?" The nurse with the purple hair asked. "Grenin." Greninja agreed and went inside the room, as all the nurses walked out of the room to take care of other patients. The room was very dark. He decided to open the curtains. The rain has stopped and a big bright full moon was out. Greninja beamed. Now the room wasn't so dark anymore. Greninja then went through my backpack and grabbed the music box I made for him as a gift that played the song Lilium. Greninja smiled and sat down next to me, as he watched me sleep. Greninja then opened the music box and placed it on the table next to him. When the music played I smiled brightly in my sleep. He then decided to lay down next to me and hugged me gently. As I slept I cuddled up with him and hugged him. Greninja stroked my hair sweetly as he admired the soft texture. For Greninja I was his precious little flower. He would always stick up to me and protect me from any harm or danger. He then gave me a soft gentle kiss on my cheek. I smiled again and hugged Greninja as if he were a teddy bear. One of the nurses took a peek in the glass to see how Greninja and I were both doing. She then smiled as he saw Greninja and I cuddling with each other. She beamed and walked away. I then slowly opened my eyes. "Greninja?" I said. "Greninja!!" Greninja happily shouted. "Greninja.... I heard you voice........" I told him. Greninja then picked me up in bridal style and kissed my lips. I blushed deeply. Greninja quickly pulled off and was blushing as well. "Ninja ja, ja." Greninja shyly confessed again. "I love you too Greninja....." I sheepishly told him as I pressed my lips against his forehead. I laid my head on his shoulder and we both looked at the window as we both listened to the lovely melody in the music box. I sighed and cuddled on his shoulder.
🎶Os iusti meditabitur sapientam
Et lingua eius loquetur indicium
Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem,
Quoniqm cum probates fuerit accipient coronam vitae.
Kyria, fons bonitatis.
Kyria, ignis divine, eleison.
O quam sancta, quam serena.
Quam benimga, quam amoena esse Virgo creditur.
O quam sancta, quam serena.
Quam benigma, quam amoena,
O castitas lilium.🎶 I sang. "Grenin...... ninja." Greninja smiled as he beamed.
"I love you Greninja ~" I whispered.
"Ninja ja ~" He whispered back and we both slept together comfortably, hugging each other closely.
Love is in the air as the story CONTINUES....

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