It wasn't all it was made out to be, being alpha didn't make everyone instantly respect you, it took hard work to get everyone to respect you enough to form a pack.

Fortunately, everyone respected me, a female alpha was exceedingly rare, and coupled with being a white wolf made it almost impossible for them to not respect me as alpha.

The wind rushed past my face, I had sped up ahead of Blaine, and he was too far behind me to have a hope of catching up.

I slowed down, breathing in the calming scents of the forest.

The fresh scent of the crystal water infront of me, the musky smell emitted from the rough bark of the tree's surrounding me.

Suddenly it dawned on me that I wasn't alone.

The strong scent of a female rogue passed by me, I knew it was right behind me.

I listed cautiously, waiting for it to make the first move.

Soon enough it did, lunging forwards as I rolled backwards, shifting into human form.

I rolled along the floor to dodge the rogues next attack, and sprung up, shifting mid air to land perfectly with my jaws around the rogue's neck until I felt the body go slack underneath my hold.

I scowled and shifted back into human form.

Inspecting the rogue, I noticed that it's coat glistened, as if it had been washed in human form, as if it had only just come from a packed life.

I took another deep sniff of the wolfs tracks, noticing that there was the slight hint of a warrior wolf mixed in along with it.

What warrior wolf would let their mate leave the pack and go to MY pack of all places?

I was fully nude, and honestly I didn't care. My pack had seen it all before.

I walked back through the woods, slowly, every few steps checking my senses, just making sure nothing would sneak up on me again.

As i walked through the pack's land, I looked down at my pale, porcelain skin.

My skin was smooth, hardly anything to tarnish the surface.

Everything except my scars.

Faded, jagged scars from wolves that had attacked me and had been dealt with.

More prominent white scars that ran down my left arm.

The wolf jumped at me, I hadn't seen it coming. We had been rogues for a week, I didn't know where I was going.

I wasn't intune with my wolf, I couldn't tell what was packed land and what wasn't.

The alpha of the pack jumped, slashing its paw down my arm, I didn't have time to shift into my wolf. Not before it struck.

I knew I had to shift if I had any hope of the scars healing.

Once shifted into my white wolf. I heard the alpha give a loud gasp.

"Female white wolf!" The power that came with the unspoken words left me confused, what was I hearing?

Immediately another 10 or so wolves had joined their alpha, and were attempting to fight me.

"Pin her down from the back!"

Immediately I spun around to lunge at the wolf about to jump on me from behind.

I had no idea why they were shouting their commands out loud... or how.

My alpha had certainly never done that.

"What's going on? How did she do that?"

"I don't know! I don't know!"

"What do we do!"

"What's happening!"

Suddenly I shifted back to human form and let out a piercing shriek.

I don't know what I was doing, I just wanted the voices to stop.

I kept shrieking, screaming until my throat went dry.

I stopped eventually.

I stopped when I noticed the wolves bodies slack on the floor.

Only now had Brian decided to grace me with his presence.

"Woah what did you do?"

"I just wanted the voices to stop, they wouldn't stop..." I mumbled.

"Voices?" He questioned.

"The-they were shouting out orders to each other..."

"In wolf form?" He sounded mesmerised.

"I-it was like a pack link... like they were talking to each other... I just wanted it to stop..."

There was silence for a moment, "Skylar I think you were hearing their pack link"

There was a deafening silence that followed, I couldn't speak. Why was I able to hear it?

I shook my head at the memory, that was when I found that I could hear what the pack was saying to each other.

It was certainly handy in combat.

The shrieking I had never been able to do again.

Somehow the noise I had made was able to knock out 10 wolves with barely any effort.

I don't know how I did it. But I did.

Finally getting back to the pack house, I walked straight to my room, ignoring the looks of my pack as they saw me walking naked through their home.

When I got to my room, I put on my clothes and did nothing but lye on my bed, waiting for the nightmares to come.


Ugh I'm so bad with regular uploads.

Not like anyone is reading it at this point anyway....

But still.

Vote, comment + Fan!

Criticism is again appreciated!

I can't make my work better if you don't tell me what i'm doing wrong!


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