a bit late?

32 4 32

So o got tagged... a few months ago... by TheBiggestFuckUp ((is best person, go give support. If they have patreon, sponsor them))

So let's get it finished! Enough procrastinating!

1: Do you have a crush?
Well, kinda? I have a girlfriend... soooooo....

2: What is your middle name?

3: What is your height?
5'11.5 or 6'....

4: What is your eye color?
Blue :3

5: Last time I cried?
Fuck... Today, around 3:45. My eyes were getting really dry from not blinking...

6: Last song I listened to
Monster by Skillet  (get the "You're a shit edgelord" jokes out now...)

7: Favorite app?
I should hope it's obvious... Wattpad!

20 tag chain"
Ah fuck....
blackw084 JJMNHY Doctorangelaziegler OceanBabySea Melanie_Gaming MapleHeart159 ___Soldier___ katelyn-fire-fist
I give up on the tag now :/

Totally OriginalKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat